14 day egg diet menu

by Lionel Pacocha Published 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago

How to lose 14 pounds in 14 days?

  • BREAKFAST: two boiled eggs
  • LUNCH: salad and chicken
  • DUSK: orange, salad, and two boiled eggs TUESDAY:
  • BREAKFAST: two boiled eggs
  • LUNCH: two boiled eggs and steamed vegetables
  • DUSK: salad and grilled fish WEDNESDAY
  • BREAKFAST: two boiled eggs and fruit
  • LUNCH: boiled chicken and salad
  • DUSK: orange, salad and two boiled eggs THURSDAY

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Can you lose weight in 14 days?

The maximum possible amount of weight that you could theoretically lose in the course of fourteen days is only about 4-5 lbs. That's not to say it's impossible, just not very likely on its own. The more realistic range on average people is 2-4lbs.

What is the 14 day almased diet?

With 14 days of wholesome meals and snacks, this clean-eating meal plan is a great way to up your intake of good-for-you foods (like whole grains, lean protein, healthy fats and plenty of fruits and veggies), while limiting the stuff that can make you feel not-so-great in large amounts (think refined carbs, alcohol, ….

What happens if you eat boiled eggs every day?

What happens if you eat boiled eggs everyday? Eating eggs leads to elevated levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL), also known as the “good” cholesterol. People who have higher HDL levels have a lower risk of heart disease, stroke and other health issues. According to one study, eating two eggs a day for six weeks increased HDL levels by 10%.


Does the 14 day boiled egg diet work?

— some have reported losing up to 24 pounds over 14 days. Combining the boiled eggs with loads of vegetables along with drinking plenty of water can jump-start weight loss. “Eggs are little nuggets of nutrition, providing protein, choline, vitamin D, lutein and more,” explains Kelly Plowe, MS, RD.

What happens if you only eat eggs for a week?

The egg diet may lead to weight loss initially, but it is not a balanced or safe weight loss plan in the long-term. Once a person returns to their usual eating pattern, they may regain the weight. In addition, any restrictive diet can limit a person's intake of essential nutrients.

How many pounds can you lose on the egg diet?

That said, most people claim they lose 5–10 pounds (1.4–2.7 kg) in 3–5 days. An egg fast can help you lose weight by restricting calories and promoting ketosis — a metabolic state in which your body uses ketones as a source of fuel.

Can you eat bananas on the egg diet?

Here are some foods that the boiled egg diet restricts: Starchy vegetables: potatoes, sweet potatoes, legumes, corn, and peas. High carb fruits: bananas, pineapples, mangoes, and dried fruit.

Do eggs burn belly fat?

Do you know that you can lose those extra inches and belly fat by eating eggs? Yes, it's a fact, because eggs are deficient in calories which helps in weight loss. A medium-sized egg contains only 60-65 calories. The egg accelerates the metabolism of the body, which increases fat burning speed.

What should not be eaten with egg?

7 things you should avoid eating with eggs01/8Which foods to avoid while eating eggs? Eating right food at the right time can make you a healthy person. ... 02/8Bacon. Egg and Bacon is a combination that most people enjoy in various places. ... 03/8Sugar. ... 04/8Soy milk. ... 05/8Tea. ... 06/8Rabit meat. ... 07/8Persimmon. ... 08/8Other foods to avoid.

Is coffee OK on egg diet?

“Medical” Egg Diet Beverages allowed include water, black coffee, and other zero-calorie drinks. Eggs can be prepared any way you want as long as no calories are added. That means you can't use butter or oil to cook your egg.

Can I have coffee on egg fast?

Can you drink tea on an egg fast? Yes. Coffee and tea, as well as any zero-carb and unsweetened drinks, are acceptable. Butter coffee and butter tea (make these without any added milk or cream!) are okay too, as long as you're eating an egg with them.

Is 6 eggs a day too much?

Eating eggs in moderation, about 4 to 6 eggs per week, is acceptable, even for people with high cholesterol, according to the Cleveland Clinic. Research shows that people who eat eggs in moderation don't show an increase in their cholesterol levels compared to those who eliminate eggs completely from their diet.

Will I gain weight if I eat 2 eggs a day?

Eating eggs, particularly for breakfast, can be an excellent addition to a healthy weight loss diet. Eggs do not aid in weight gain; what aids in weight gain is a caloric surplus. If you consume more eggs than your maintenance calories, you will be in a caloric surplus and will gain weight.

How many boiled eggs can I eat in a day for weight loss?

To start, the boiled egg diet doesn't involve eating only eggs (whew). The boiled egg diet is based on the idea that eating at least two or three hard-boiled eggs per day can help you lose weight.

Can I drink green tea after eating eggs?

IF YOU'RE having eggs for breakfast, don't drink tea at the same time. A study in the Journal of Nutrition found that doing so can reduce the amount of protein that we absorb by 17 per cent. It is thought that compounds called polyphenols in tea can bind to protein in the egg, stopping us absorbing it.

How Does the 14-Day Egg Diet Menu Aid Weight Loss?

As I explained earlier, the boiled egg diet requires you to eat two boiled eggs daily for 14 days (that’s two full weeks!) So, one would wonder, what is the connection between boiled eggs and weight loss, right? Now, this is the point!

Foods You Can Eat While On The Boiled Egg Diet

Yes! It is called the boiled egg diet. But, you won’t be consuming only boiled eggs for 14 days. To boost your weight loss tendency, other high-fiber, healthy veggies, fruits, nuts, and seeds to shed the fat without compromising on nourishment.

Side Effects of The Egg Diet Menu

The intake of more than the recommended number of eggs daily may cause high cholesterol.

Benefits Of The Boiled Egg Diet

By the way, before you go on thinking that the egg diet menu is not for you, see some of the health benefits this superb diet can offer you.


Making a decision about weight loss starts with you! The question always bounces back at you. Are you ready to take a stake? So, lovelies, weight loss isn’t as severe as we think as long as we are prepared to take the giant stride.

How the 14 day egg diet work?

After 3-5 days of the egg diet, the body enters a state of ketosis; a metabolic state in which the body uses fat as the main source of energy instead of carbohydrates. You MAY suffer from fatigue, migraines, constipation and what’s known as the keto flu. Eventually the symptoms subside after 5 days as you enter ketosis, and start burning body fat.

Can you lose weight by eating mostly eggs?

Egg consumption can increase the production of adiponectin, a hormone that speeds up metabolism, increases fat burning, improves insulin sensitivity, and decreases appetite. Eggs allow you to lose several pounds while ensuring the a continuous supply of proteins necessary for bones, and muscle building.

Boiled egg diet rules

The egg diet should last a maximum of 2 weeks and 2 eggs should be included for breakfast and if your diet includes 2 more eggs, these can be divided throughout the day, totaling 4 eggs per day.

Allowed, and prohibited foods

The process of actively burning body fat will only begin till the digestive system begins to adopt to the new dietary system. Proper nutrition will help establish metabolic processes, which will remove anything that is not needed from our body.

14 day egg diet menu

Breakfast :1 hard-boiled egg, 1 slice of wholemeal bread, 1 citrus fruit.

Success stories and results

This diet has almost no carbohydrates, and that is one of the reasons why it works, but never forget that the basis of everything is discipline, and results vary by person’s BMI, age, metabolism…etc

Post-diet care

Ideally, the egg diet should be accompanied by a nutritionist, who will be able to better indicate the appropriate amount of eggs for each meal. In addition, after 2 weeks of diet, it is necessary to maintain a balanced diet with the preferential use of fresh foods, avoiding the consumption of processed foods.

What Is the Boiled-Egg Diet?

The Boiled-Egg Diet focuses on eating hard-boiled eggs for a period of two weeks. A person following the program needs to consume a minimum of two eggs per day, but they can be spread out over the course of the day.

How Does it Work?

Eggs are high in protein and include several necessary vitamins PubMed Central Database From National Institute Of Health U.S National Library of Medicine Go to source [2], including vitamin A, B, D, E, and K. They also help provide the body with energy. To get all of the benefits, it is important to eat the entire egg.

Is the Egg Diet Safe?

While eggs are nutrient-dense, the egg diet is quite restrictive, with a limited variety of foods allowed. The restrictions can mean that dieters miss out on some essential dietary needs (like fiber, potassium, and magnesium.) It is not recommended that people follow this diet for longer than the 14 day period.

Two Week Egg Diet Plan Sample Menu

Here is what one week might look like while following the boiled egg diet:

Side Effects of the Egg Diet

One of the most significant risks of doing this diet plan is suffering from constipation. Eggs have no fiber PubMed Central Database From National Institute Of Health U.S National Library of Medicine Go to source [7] in them, which is needed for healthy digestion.

Will The Weight Loss Results Last Long?

The Boiled Egg Diet t is a low-calorie and low-carb diet plan. If it is strictly followed, it should be effective and work quickly.

Benefits of the Boiled Egg Diet

While weight loss is one benefit of the boiled egg diet, but it isn’t the only benefit. Since the other foods allowed on the program include vegetables, leafy greens, and lean protein, those doing the program also get a lot of antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins.

Nutrition in Eggs

The best thing about the 14-day egg diet is the eggs. They are about as close to a superfood as anything can get, according to clinical dietitian Rachel Simson, MS, RD, CDN, at Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center. Most of the nutrition in eggs is concentrated in the yolk, so don't rely on the whites alone while you are on this diet.

Concerns About Cholesterol

Eggs have gotten a somewhat rotten reputation because of the cholesterol they contain, but that has proven to be more of a rumor than a fact.

The Power of Protein

Protein is referred to as the building block of life, and for good reason. Proteins are made up of amino acids, which are themselves microscopic building blocks. They can be broken down and reconfigured to serve whatever need your body has for them.

14-Day Egg Diet Menu

As with so many weight loss fads, there are several versions of the 14-day egg diet, some of which have been around since the 1970s. The first diet plan is an extreme mono diet: For the entire 14 days, you consume nothing but eggs and water.

Nutrition in Grapefruit

Adding grapefruit to your 14-day egg diet is a good idea for a variety of reasons, but mostly it is because grapefruits are packed with phytonutrients.

Making Scrumptious Salads

Adding salads to your 14-Day Egg Diet will help you feel full and give you some color and variety without adding a whole lot of calories. There are several key techniques for building a better salad, according to the foodies at the University of California - San Diego.

Tips and Hints

As with any diet, it will be easier to stick to if you prepare in advance. Make sure you have all of the eggs, grapefruit, lean protein, salad fixin's and whatever else your version of the diet calls for to keep you out of the grocery store for at least the first week.

Foods To Buy And Avoid

To simplify your dieting, you can use this list of foods to consume and create your own healthy meals:

14-Day Boiled Egg Diet: Meal Plan Sample

You already know what foods to consume on the boiled egg diet and can create your own meal plan. However, if you are new to the world of dieting, it may be hard for you to choose what to include to your daily menu. Below you can see a sample of the 14 day hard boiled egg diet.

Benefits Of The 14-Day Boiled Egg Diet

You already know that this diet includes numerous healthy foods, including fresh fruits, veggies, eggs and lean protein. They all are packed with healthy nutrients – antioxidants, vitamins and minerals – that support proper functioning of your body (7, 14).

Does The 14-Day Boiled Egg Diet Work?

It was mentioned above that this eating pattern can be classified as a low-calorie diet. It also doesn’t include starchy and unhealthy foods. So, you could definitely lose some weight. However, keep in mind that you will most likely only get short-term weight loss results.

Is The 14-Day Boiled Egg Diet Safe?

Despite the fact that this diet includes healthy and nutrient-dense foods, it is still quite restrictive. The food variety is rather poor as well. For this reason, it may be hard to follow for some dieters during a long period of time.

What To Do To Lose Weight?

Remember that your body has specific nutritional needs, and you have to provide it with all the nutrients to stay healthy. If you aim to achieve long-term results, you have to make some lifestyle adjustments. You should do physical exercises on a day-to-day basis and maintain a well-balanced meal plan.


In conclusion, the 14-day boiled egg diet can help to trim off unwanted pounds, it is easy to follow, and it includes simple and healthy foods. However, it is still overly restrictive, and you can gain weight once you go back to your regular eating habits.

Need inspiration to use those pantry staples? This 14-day meal plan will use all the beans, canned foods and frozen items you have on hand

Need inspiration to use those pantry staples? This 14-day meal plan will use all the beans, canned foods and frozen items you have on hand.

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Sher Castellano is the plant-based chef, endometriosis advocate and former health coach behind the award winning blog With Food + Love. Sher creates recipes to help you feel better, and explores topics of chronic illness, women's health and infertility with her honest writings.

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