151 coffee secret menu

by Mrs. Leanna Braun DDS Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

What is a secret menu?

Secret menus are unofficial and unadvertised items on menus at restaurants around the world that allow you to customize what you eat to serve your unique taste buds. Secret menus items are passed from person to person through word-of-mouth. At, we compile secret menu items from people just like you.

Is it hard to order from secret menus?

Ordering from secret menus is not hard but you should follow some basic rules. Since secret menu items are no on the official menu, when you order, you should know not just the name of the item, but also the recipe.

Do secret menu items cost more?

Occasionally, some secret menu items will cost a little bit more because of additional ingredients, but most of the time, you will be getting more for the same price.

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