What is 300300 east?
300 East is a neighborhood restaurant, family owned and operated, well into our third decade of serving locals and tourists alike. On the menu: American-Eclectic cuisine.
Why eat at 300300 east?
300 East is a neighborhood restaurant, family owned and operated, well into our third decade of serving locals and tourists alike. On the menu: American-Eclectic cuisine. Atmosphere: Warm and quirky with plenty of historic charm. Service: Friendly and casual.
What time does 300 East open for dinner?
We’ll open for dinner that evening at 5 p.m. We look forward to serving you. Welcome to 300 East, serving Dilworth since 1986! Mask required to enter and while not actively eating or drinking. Curbside pickup available for those unable to wear a mask.
Does 300 East offer delivery or takeout?
Is 300 East currently offering delivery or takeout? Yes, 300 East offers takeout. What forms of payment are accepted? 300 East accepts credit cards.
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Need to Know
We look forward to serving you! Due to limited seating, we cannot reserve patio tables and seat complete parties only. Please contact the restaurant directly if you require handicap access or are running more than 10 minutes late. Thank you!
About 300 East
300 East is a neighborhood restaurant, family owned and operated, well into our third decade of serving locals and tourists alike. On the menu: American-Eclectic cuisine. Atmosphere: Warm and quirky with plenty of historic charm. Service: Friendly and casual.