How does the six week body makeover diet work?
The key to the Six Week Body Makeover is moderation and portion control in your meals, as well as staying away from the types of food your body type should not have. With all meal plans, the diet permits for an optional after-dinner snack, but it isn’t required.
Is the 6 week body makeover program worth it?
The 6 Week Body Makeover is undoubtedly a program that works for many who stick to the regimen. Others feel that it is over-priced for the information that is offered. The much more rigorous 6 day mini makeover or ‘mini makeover’ has been developed from the basic 6 week body makeover outlined above.
What is Michael Thurmond's 6 week body makeover?
Michael Thurmond’s 6 Week Body Makeover is a method of losing weight and reshaping the body in a relatively short period of time. The 6 week body makeover was developed over a number of years by fitness expert Michael Thurmond, a member of the ‘Extreme Team’ on the Extreme Makeover television series.
What foods can you eat on a body makeover diet?
Body type D people should stay away from simple carbs found in foods, such as fruits and processed grains, according to the plan. A sample body type D menu includes egg whites, oatmeal, lean steak, fruit, chicken breast, rice and mixed vegetables. Consult your doctor or a nutritionist for approval before beginning a 6 Week Body Makeover Diet.

What is a 6 week body makeover?
The 6 week body makeover was developed over a number of years by fitness expert Michael Thurmond, a member of the ‘Extreme Team’ on the Extreme Makeover television series. The 6 week body makeover is not a diet involving special meals, drinks or pills. Rather it is a customized process of learning your own reaction to particular foods, ...
How long does it take to do a mini body makeover?
The 6 day body makeover involves 5-6 small meals per day, and 45-60 minutes daily of ‘long, slow distance exercises’ (walking, slow jogging, treadmill, or stationary bike), which it is claimed shifts the body into fat-burning mode.
How does Michael Thurmond's body makeover work?
Michael Thurmond’s 6 week body makeover works!! It is easy!! It is a quick way to lose real weight and keep it off. During the first week, you will lose water weight. That is why 7-10 pounds is possible that week. After that, the weight comes off at a steady pace.
How to lose weight quickly?
Identify your type of metabolism by filling out a questionnaire, and reprogram it for maximum fat burning. Eat those foods that work with your particular metabolism to lose weight rapidly, despite eating more of the foods that. cause weight-loss while reducing foods that cause you weight-gain.
What is a six week body makeover?
The Six Week Body Makeover diet is very personalized, tailored to your age, gender, and your body type. What you can eat greatly depends on what body type the diet plan places you into when you fill out its questionnaire.
What to eat for type B?
Sample Menu Plan for Type B. Chicken and turkey breast can always be swapped for one another. Green vegetables can be traded for another green vegetable. Breakfast: 3/4 cup egg whites and 1/2 cup mixed berries. Mid-morning snack: 1 cup lettuce or spinach, 2 ounces of chicken breast.
Is it necessary to eat after dinner for a six week body makeover?
With all meal plans, the diet permits for an optional after-dinner snack, but it isn’t required.
The six weeks body makeover for each body type
When it comes to the 6 week body makeover kit, you should know there are different meal plans for each body type! Michael Thurmond is an authority in the field, and his diet gained a lot of recognition. The program comes with a questionnaire so that you discover your metabolism type and the recommended meal plan for it.
Body type A
The Michael Thurmond diet plan indicates the body type A has the slowest metabolic rate. As such, people in this category struggle a lot with excess weight. The 6 week body makeover meal plan aims to help body type A people add lean meats in their diet, including chicken, turkey, and cod.
Body type B
The boy type B is able to build lean muscle. But they too have a slow metabolism and must avoid carbohydrates like potatoes, rice, and unrefined pastas. If they want to achieve a body makeover, they should eat plenty of chicken, turkey, tuna, berries, and egg whites.
Body type C
According to the Michael Thurmond diet, the body type Ci is similar to the B type. The distinction is that body type C has a faster metabolic rate. The meal plan for this category can include more carbohydrates, such as chicken and shrimp with stir fried vegetables.
Body type D
Thurmond’s diet indicated that the D body type has a slow metabolic rate and a complete lack of significant muscle mass. This is why the diet must include red meat. Body D types should avoid simple carbohydrates in foods like fruits and processed grains. A sample menu might feature egg whites, oatmeal, lean steak, rice and mixed vegetables.
Exercise routine and the six weeks body makeover
Even though this diet can offer tremendous results, there is a major component you shouldn’t overlook. An exercise routine can contribute to long-lasting results with this body makeover meal pan. Overall, it would help if you exercised at least 30 minutes per day. But you can use the personalized 18-minutes sculpting program designed by Thurmond.
In 8 Months!!!!
"You can eat every food you love. You just have to eat in a certain way so you can keep your body's metabolism going"
42 waist to 34 waist!!!!
"I lost 100 pounds, eating pastas, Alfredo, spaghetti, everything. I don't deprive myself in any way"

Body Types
Sample Menu Plan For Type B
- Chicken and turkey breast can always be swapped for one another. Green vegetables can be traded for another green vegetable. 1. Breakfast: 3/4 cup egg whites and 1/2cup mixed berries. 2. Mid-morning snack: 1 cup lettuce or spinach, 2 ounces of chicken breast. 3. Lunch: 2 ounces of turkey breast, 1 cup green beans and 1/2cup brown rice. 4. Mid-after...
Sample Menu Plan For Type C
- Bananas are a good source of vitamins and help give an extra energy boost, helpful first thing in the morning or before a workout. 1. Breakfast: 4 egg whites and 1/2cup bananas. 2. Mid-morning snack: 4 ounces of chicken breast and 1/2cup carrots. 3. Lunch: 1 cup of green beans, 4 ounces of turkey breast and 1 cup of white rice. 4. Mid-afternoon snack: 1 cup asparagus, 4 ounces of fi…
- The key to the Six Week Body Makeover is moderation and portion control in your meals, as well as staying away from the types of food your body type should not have. With all meal plans, the diet permits for an optional after-dinner snack, but it isn’t required. Options for this snack is generally recommended to be ½ cup of fresh fruit, such as mixed berries. As with any dietary ch…