Why do most restaurants have a broad range of menu items?
-Most restaurants find it necessary to have a broad range of menu items. -The number and range of menu items are governed by cost considerations, available equipment, and the culinary abilities of the kitchen staff. -Cost is usually the most significant factor in establishing sales prices.
What is the difference between banquet menu and table d'hôte menu?
A banquet menu offers a selection of fixed items given at a set price. However, in some special occasions the food can be served according to guest’s preference. Buffet menu can be categorized as a form of table d ’ hôte menu due to limited offerings of food items at predetermined set price.
What determines the number and range of menu items?
-The number and range of menu items are governed by cost considerations, available equipment, and the culinary abilities of the kitchen staff. -Cost is usually the most significant factor in establishing sales prices. -Restaurants with differentiated products have more flexibility to change menu prices than those with homogenous products.
What is the difference between California menu and ethnic menu?
California menu can be offered as separate menu for each meal, such as, breakfast, lunch, dinner. Ethnic menu can be semi à la carte or à la carte. An ethnic menu offers food items that are representative of the particular cuisine from a particular region or country. The food price can be ranged from moderate to high.

Why is it important to plan a menu?
Menu planning is an important task because it saves time and money, promotes healthier choices, improves grocery shopping skills, and keeps meal times fresh with variety.
Why is menu planning important?
Menu planning is an important task because it saves time and money, promotes healthier choices, improves grocery shopping skills, and keeps meal times fresh with variety. To unlock this lesson you must be a Study.com Member. Create your account.
How can Melanie become a better grocery shopper?
Melanie can become a better grocery shopper with menu planning. If she hasn't planned what to make in advance, she might resort to grabbing ingredients that end up forgotten and unused, which will require an additional run to the grocery store. Saving money is another important quality of menu planning .
How to plan a meal plan for a week?
Step 1: Write down dates and ideas. At the beginning of the menu planning process, Melanie will write out the days of the week and the ideas she has for meals each day. Step 2: Find recipes. Once Melanie has some ideas about meal choices, she can look for recipes. Step 3: Collect and save recipes.
Does Melanie have to plan meals?
Melanie has never had to plan meals for anyone other then herself and usually just grabs whatever she had in the cabinets or refrigerator, often eating on the go. But Melanie knows that in order to be good at menu planning, she needs to know what it is and why it is important.