What is Accu weight loss?
Accu Weight-Loss “The Bead Diet” is a revolutionary program providing clients a means for fast, healthy weight loss with. no required exercise, no diet supplements and no surgery. There are three scientific elements of the program: Acupressure. Balanced nutrition.
What is a safe weight loss per week?
about 1 to 2 pounds per weekIt's natural for anyone trying to lose weight to want to lose it very quickly. But people who lose weight gradually and steadily (about 1 to 2 pounds per week) are more successful at keeping weight off. Healthy weight loss isn't just about a “diet” or “program”.
How can I reduce my stomach fat?
19 Effective Tips to Lose Belly Fat (Backed by Science)Eat plenty of soluble fiber. ... Avoid foods that contain trans fats. ... Don't drink too much alcohol. ... Eat a high protein diet. ... Reduce your stress levels. ... Don't eat a lot of sugary foods. ... Do aerobic exercise (cardio) ... Cut back on carbs — especially refined carbs.More items...•
What is the best exercise to lose weight?
Cardio exercises, like running, help elevate your heart rate and burn calories....Cardio. The first exercise that many people do when they want to lose weight is cardio. ... Strength training. Strength training is important for weight loss since it helps you increase muscle mass. ... Compound movements.
Our program
Accu Weight-Loss “The Bead Diet” is a revolutionary program providing clients a means for fast, healthy weight loss with no required exercise, no diet supplements and no surgery. There are three scientific elements of the program:
The effects of acupressure are produced by massaging special “accu-points” which are placed on the head directly behind the ears. The acupressure sends a signal to the brain achieving three critical goals:
Balanced nutrition
The nutritional aspect of the Accu Weight-Loss Program has been designed to provide complete balanced nutrition with a minimal amount of food to ensure:
Love It
Learn to keep the fat off while building your personal Acc ( u )Lifestyle.
Live It
Enjoy your Acc ( u )Lifestyle equipped with tools for long-term success.
What to eat at 12 noon?
Start the day at 12 noon with a Granny Smith apple or ½ grapefruit. If dinner is early, have the apple or grapefruit at 6pm.
How much vegetable allowance is raw?
The 1½ lbs vegetable allowance is raw weight. As a reminder, you are not required to eat the entire vegetable allowance – eat until you are satisfied.
When eating, concentrate on food rather than conversation?
When eating, concentrate on food rather than conversation. You’ll enjoy the food more and you can talk later.
Can you take special day off diet?
No. Special Day protocol is only for very special occasions such as your daughter’s wedding, grandmother’s 90th birthday, grandchild’s christening, etc. Special Day protocol is still time off the diet – it is a guided way to go off plan, but is not part of the program itself. Use of Special Day protocol will slow down the weight loss for the week.
Is it healthy to have 3 days of a diet?
No. It is not healthy to have 3 days of either protocol in a row , as it is breaking up the nutritional balance of the program. Get right back on track by continuing with your normal cycle of food as if nothing happened. When you are feeling stronger about the situation, look back and learn a lesson about why you cheated – this way, the cheat wasn’t wasted time.