How do I test my skill in the Alexa simulator?
Complete the following steps to test your skill in the simulator. You can use voice or text to interact with your skill. Sign in to the Alexa developer console. From the skill list, locate your skill, and then, in the dropdown under ACTIONS, select Edit. Open the Test page.
Do I need to provide the Alexa menu in my HMI?
(Required) Provide the Alexa menu in your HMI. Customers must be able to access an Alexa menu with your system. Please see the table below for a better understanding of the features that exist within this menu. The Alexa menu will vary if a user is in Preview Mode or signed-in. Variations are outlined below.
What is the Alexa Skills Kit and how does it work?
What is the Alexa Skills Kit? You can test your skill without a device by using the Alexa simulator in the Alexa developer console. The simulator maintains the skill session with your skill so that you can test the entire skill flow. You can use voice or text to interact with your custom or smart home skill.
What is the ALEXA LF camera simulator?
The ALEXA LF Camera Simulator is an interactive learning tool to get an in-depth look at the user interface of ARRI’s Large Format Camera System. The UI shows a simulation of a real ALEXA LF camera with some limitations (e.g. recording not possible).

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Before you can invoke your local skill, add ask-sdk-local-debug to your skill project. Follow the instructions for your SDK language to add ask-sdk-local-debug to your skill:
Set up the test environment
Before you test your skill in VS Code, you must add configuration to enable your skill to connect to the Alexa proxy. To enable audio output and Alexa Presentation Language (APL) touch events in the simulator, you must register a virtual Alexa device.
Test your local Alexa skill
Before you complete this procedure, complete the procedures in Prerequisites and Set up the test environment.
Test your skill in the VS Code Alexa simulator
You can test your skill by using the Skill Simulation page in VS Code. By using the skill simulator, you can send utterances to Alexa and receive responses without leaving VS Code.