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by Quincy Glover Published 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago

What are the quadrants of the BCG matrix?

What is the horizontal axis of the BCG matrix?

What is the BCG matrix for dogs?

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What are the quadrants of the BCG matrix?

In addition, there are four quadrants in the BCG Matrix: 1 Question marks: Products with high market growth but a low market share. 2 Stars: Products with high market growth and a high market share. 3 Dogs: Products with low market growth and a low market share. 4 Cash cows: Products with low market growth but a high market share.

What is the horizontal axis of the BCG matrix?

The horizontal axis of the BCG Matrix represents the amount of market share of a product and its strength in the particular market. By using relative market share, it helps measure a company’s competitiveness. The vertical axis of the BCG Matrix represents the growth rate of a product and its potential to grow in a particular market.

What is the BCG matrix for dogs?

The BCG Matrix: Dogs. Products in the dogs quadrant are in a market that is growing slowly and where the product (s) have a low market share. Products in the dogs quadrant are typically able to sustain themselves and provide cash flows, but the products will never reach the stars quadrant. Firms typically phase out products in ...

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