Does One 20 A Modern Bistro offer delivery through OpenTable or takeout?
One 20 A Modern Bistro offers takeout which you can order by calling the restaurant at (850) 729-2120.
How is One 20 A Modern Bistro restaurant rated?
One 20 A Modern Bistro is rated 4.9 stars by 112 OpenTable diners.
Is One 20 A Modern Bistro currently accepting reservations?
Yes, you can generally book this restaurant by choosing the date, time and party size on OpenTable.
What is the phone number for One 20?
One 20 A Modern Bistro offers takeout which you can order by calling the restaurant at (850) 729-2120.
How many seats are there in One 20?
ONE 20 is a 75 seat modern bistro, featuring simple fare with a modern culinary twist. You can feel comfortable enjoying brunch on a Sunday after church, or a quick executive business lunch meeting with a client. Maybe a romantic evening with your special someone or just an excuse to take the family out for dinner. ONE 20 features culinary treasure's from Chef Pettis' southern upbringing as well as his worldly travels and of course you will find his ever present Southeast Asian and Japanese influences.