Brassica Rapa. Brassica Rapa, 100 g. Calories: 14 • Carbs: 2g • Fat: 0g • Protein: 2g. 14.
Full Answer
How do I order menus for Brassica?
Menus will be posted weekly at brassicaottawa.com or on Instagram. Orders are taken via phone. You can call Brassica at (613)680-7575 or Maggie at (613)558-4754. We are thrilled to welcome you to Brassica. Our new home away from home.
What kind of coffee does Brassica sell?
Brassica also sells gourmet green and black teas and, in April 2016, launched a light and dark roast coffee containing TrueBroc®; both under the Brassica® brand.
How do I contact Maggie at Brassica?
You can call Brassica at (613)680-7575 or Maggie at (613)558-4754. We are thrilled to welcome you to Brassica. Our new home away from home.
What is Brassica doing to promote glucoraphanin?
Since 1997, Brassica has been working in collaboration with researchers at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine to grow the science surrounding glucoraphanin and sulforaphane (its active form) and to better define the many health benefits of these phytonutrients.

How many calories are in a bowl of Brassica?
680 caloriesForbidden Rice & Goat Cheese Brassica Bowl (1 serving) contains 71g total carbs, 59g net carbs, 22g fat, 24g protein, and 680 calories.
How many calories are in a Brassica salad?
201 caloriesNutrition Facts Per Serving: 201 calories; protein 4.3g; carbohydrates 16.3g; dietary fiber 4.6g; sugars 9g; fat 14.8g; saturated fat 1.7g; vitamin a iu 575.5IU; vitamin c 72.3mg; folate 78.4mcg; calcium 58.4mg; iron 1.6mg; magnesium 39.4mg; potassium 520.1mg; sodium 167.4mg; thiamin 0.2mg.
What are the sauces at Brassica?
Write how many you need in each box. Choose one sauce: SPECIAL SAUCE TAHINI SAUCE ROASTED PEPPER Z'HUG (HOT!)
Is Brassica special sauce vegan?
Brassica is my go-to for great vegan food in Columbus. Once you've chosen falafel over chicken, the majority of their toppings & sauces are vegan.
Are brassicas healthy?
Brassicas contain high levels of vitamin C, A, E, K, as well as folate, calcium, iron, potassium and phosphorus. They are a good source of dietary fibre and have something that no other fruits or vegetables contain, namely glucosinolates.
How many calories in a salad with just vegetables?
Calories in Raw Vegetable SaladCalories38.8Saturated Fat0.1 gPolyunsaturated Fat0.1 gMonounsaturated Fat0.0 gCholesterol0.2 mg8 more rows
What Brassica means?
Definition of brassica : any of a large genus (Brassica) of Old World temperate-zone herbs (such as broccoli and cabbage) of the mustard family with cylindrical pods.
Are brassicas nitrogen fixing?
When the plant dies down and decomposes, there is always a residual amount of fixed nitrogen left in the soil which the plant has not used but is available to other plants, hence the reason that brassicas - which need plenty of nitrogen for their leafy growth, especially when they are young - follow peas and beans in a ...
What is the difference between Brassica and cruciferous?
Brassica vegetables are part of the genus Brassicaceae, or mustard family. Brassicas are also categorized as cruciferous vegetables (Cruciferae), or members of the cabbage family. Brassicas are among the most commonly cultivated vegetables in the world, and some of the most nutritious vegetables you can eat.
What kind of vegetable is Brassica?
cruciferous vegetableA member of the family of vegetables that includes broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, collard greens, kale, and turnips. These vegetables contain substances that may protect against cancer. Also called cruciferous vegetable.
Is cauliflower a Brassica?
cauliflower, (Brassica oleracea, variety botrytis), highly modified form of cabbage in the mustard family (Brassicaceae), grown for its edible masses of partially developed flower structures and fleshy stalks.
Is broccoli a Brassica?
broccoli, Brassica oleracea, variety italica, form of cabbage, of the mustard family (Brassicaceae), grown for its edible flower buds and stalk.