Is lunch free in Broward County?
Meal Charge Policy Broward County Public Schools encourages families to complete a meal benefits application to determine eligibility for free and reduced-price meals. All students must pay the full price for lunch unless designated through the Meal Benefits office to be eligible for free or reduced-price meals.
How much is lunch in Broward County schools?
Breakfast in Broward County is provided to all students at no cost to the student, lunch costs $2.00 in Elementary, $2.35 in Middle and $2.50 in High School. Your children may qualify for free meals or for reduced price meals. Reduced price is $0.40 for lunch.
Is Florida school lunch free?
SANFORD, Fla. The U.S. Department of Agriculture implemented a waiver at the beginning of the pandemic, which allowed all students, regardless of income, to receive free meals at school.
How much is school lunch in Florida?
Meal Prices for 2021-22 School YearStatus TypeBreakfastLunchReduced$ 0.30$ 0.40Paid (Elementary)$ 1.35$ 1.90Paid (Secondary)$ 1.75$ 2.75Adult$ 1.75$ 3.751 more row
Chapel Trail Elementary offers a well-balanced menu each day. The lunch price is FREE for all Broward County students.
Click on the link to view the latest breakfast and lunch menus. http://www.browardschools.com/menus