burial grounds menu

by Dr. Godfrey Huels DVM Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Burial Grounds

  • Cappuccino $3.00 Double shot with steamed milk. Wet-dry.
  • Coffee $2.00 Brewed coffee.
  • Ibarra Mocha $3.70 Double shot, ibarra chocolate, cinnamon and steamed milk.
  • Macchiato $2.90 Double shot double shot 'marked with foam.
  • Espresso $2.20 Double shot.
  • Cafe Au Lait $2.70 Brewed coffee with steamed milk.

Full Answer

Coffee matters

We like coffee. Coffee may seem simple, but it isn't just a caffeinated cup of joy, it's a communal meeting beverage, a coping mechanism, and sometimes a life saver. So, maybe when we say we like coffee, what we are actually saying is, we like people.


Burial Grounds Coffee Collective is a worker owned coffee shop community.

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