c++ menu system

by Breana Kihn Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

How do you implement a menu system?

There's many ways of implementing a menu system. One method is to create a structure that might include such items as: Variable units. Eg: C, mph, kg..... You can then have an array of these structures with each entry describing a menu. You can use a switch statement or you might use a switch to implent a finite state machine.

What is the best way of coding a menu system?

What is the best way of coding a menu system on an embedded system to get a good overview and easy to read code. The method that I prefer is to use a special description language to represent the menu structure, actions to be taken when items are selected selected, data range information, etc.

How to code a menu system on an embedded system?

What is the best way of coding a menu system on an embedded system to get a good overview and easy to read code. -Add and remove menu options. -Menu options should depend of each other. (For example: If Temperature is off, then menu1 should appear, but not meny option2 and so on.) I also want a "service menu".

How to implement food ordering in C program?

Problem Statement: Write C program to implement Food ordering with the following functionalities: This is the main function for signup, From here we are calling the account_check () function to validate the inputs. Following are the functionalities: Input the username, age, email, password, confirm the password, and mobile number.


What is menu based program in C?

Menu-driven program in c: A program that obtains choice from a user by displaying the menu.

What is C and how it works?

C is what's referred to as a compiled language, meaning you have to use a compiler to turn the code into an executable file before you can run it. The code is written into one or more text files, which you can open, read and edit in any text editor, such as Notepad in Windows, TextEdit on a Mac, and gedit in Linux.

What is C concept?

C is a general-purpose high level language that was originally developed by Dennis Ritchie for the Unix operating system. It was first implemented on the Digital Eqquipment Corporation PDP-11 computer in 1972. The Unix operating system and virtually all Unix applications are written in the C language.

How do I create a menu-driven program?

Problem Statement: Write a menu-driven program using Switch case to calculate the following: ... Output: Press 1 to calculate area of circle Press 2 to calculate area of square Press 3 to calculate area of sphere Enter your choice: 1 Enter radius: 5 Area of circle=78.5.Related Articles:

What are the 4 types of functions in C?

There are 4 types of functions:Functions with arguments and return values. This function has arguments and returns a value: ... Functions with arguments and without return values. ... Functions without arguments and with return values. ... Functions without arguments and without return values.

What are the features of C?

Listed below are some of the significant features of C language:Simple and Efficient. The basic syntax style of implementing C language is very simple and easy to learn. ... Fast. ... Portability. ... Extensibility. ... Function-Rich Libraries. ... Dynamic Memory Management. ... Modularity With Structured Language. ... Mid-Level Programming Language.More items...

What are the C basics?

C is a general-purpose programming language created by Dennis Ritchie at the Bell Laboratories in 1972. It is a very popular language, despite being old. C is strongly associated with UNIX, as it was developed to write the UNIX operating system.

Why is C called C?

The language has been given the name C because it succeeds another language called B. C is one of the most popular computer programming languages which has existed since the last 44 years. It was created by the famous American programmer Dennis Ritchie – with the help of Ken Thompson – while working at Bell Labs.

Why is C so popular?

The C programming language is so popular because it is known as the mother of all programming languages. This language is widely flexible to use memory management. C is the best option for system level programming language.

How do you write an algorithm for a menu-driven program?

ALGORITHM:Step 1: Start the program.Step 2: Read choice and num.Step 3: Repeat till a valid choice.Step 3a: if choice is 1.Step 3b: If choice is 2.Step 3c: If choice is 3.Step 4: Stop the program.

What is a menu-driven?

Definition of menu-driven : relating to or being a computer program in which options are offered to the user via menus.

How do menu choice systems work?

It employs a series of screens, or ''menus,'' that allow users to make choices about what to do next. A menu-driven interface can use a list format or graphics, with one selection leading to the next menu screen, until the user has completed the desired outcome.

Menu driven program in c using Array

The user chose from the menu by the first word of the option (print, rotate…) and he can write it with a lowercase letter or uppercase. “to lower” function take the string the user wrote and turns every latter to lowercase. after i have only a lowercase string i need to check what the user chose with the function “getInput”.

Types of functions in C Read Here

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Creating a menu program in C

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Signup Functionality

This is the main function for signup, From here we are calling the account_check () function to validate the inputs. Following are the functionalities:

Login Functionality

This function implements the login features of our project. While login, the Email, and Password are validated and checked whether it is already signed up. After the successful login, there is an option to choose either Search_by_food () or Search_by_hotels () functionalities.

Order by Hotel

In this functionality, the food order is placed after selecting any Hotel. Once the hotel is selected the list of food is displayed with their respective costs. Once the food is selected, you need to go to option Select Cart for the successful ordering of the foods.

Order by Food

Once the hotel is selected in the above step, select the food and enter the number of items to order. Once the selection of all the foods is done it will display the total amount of food selected. Move to Select Cart for the successful ordering of the foods.

Media Library

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MENU SYSTEM is the undisputed market leader in customised induction cooking suites. State of the art.

5 Custom function used in displaymenu ()

These are the 5 functions we are using to display different MENU as per user input. We can change the number of many MENUS as per need.

How does it works

Inside the Main () function we are using the switch statement to display the MENU as per user input.

What is menu itslef?

The menu itslef was a constant array of the structure.

What is the new on a PC?

The typical "new" on a PC uses malloc () and is usually paired with "delete" which uses free (). Like you, I agree that is a poor way to go for most embedded programs.

What is the first step before deciding on a switch, state machine, pre-compiled or whatever?

The first step, before deciding on a switch, state machine, pre-compiled or whatever, is to analyze how much flexibility you want to encode. Obviously you'll have items you want to display, and inputs you'll want to accept. But beyond that:

Can menus be nested?

It makes it easy to construct any number of menus nested to any depth. Menus can have any number of entries, and any entry can be another menu, or can be a function.

Can you use a switch statement to implent a finite state machine?

You can use a switch statement or you might use a switch to implent a finite state machine.

Do C++ programs use more resources than C?

Sorry for my flippancy. Regular readers hear will know that it's been shown (many times!) that C++ programs need use no more resources than C programs as long as you avoid things like "new" - just as you'd generally also avoid the use of malloc () in a C based embedded program.

creating a menu system

Code: #include <stdio.h> #define sentinel 999 int burger_function (); int burger_switch (); int vegiburger_function (); int chicken_function (); int kids_function (); int fish_function (); int salad_function (); int x; int main () { int x; printf ("welcome to the MegaBite resturaunt, here is the menu\n"); printf ("Burgers - Plain, Cheeseburger, Ketchup\n"); printf ("Vegiburger - Plain, Cheeseburger, Ketchup\n"); printf ("Chicken - Piri Piri, Spicy, Mild\n"); printf ("Kids Meals - Sausage and chips, Ham and Chips, Fishfingers and Chips\n"); printf ("Fish - Cod, Haddock, Scampi\n"); printf ("Salad - Bean Salad, Caesar Salad, Garden salad\n"); printf ("when your ready to order press 1, then enter\n"); printf ("to restart at any time press 999\n"); scanf ("%d\n", &x); if (x == 1) burger_function (); } int burger_function () { int x; printf ("would you like a burger, Press 1 for Yes, 2 for No\n"); scanf ("%d\n", &x); if (x ==1) burger_switch (); return 0; } int burger_switch () { int a; int b; int c; int d; int e; int f; switch (x) case '1': printf ("Would you like a burger 1 for Yes 2 for No\n"); scanf ("%d\n", &a); if (a=1) printf ("how many would you like?\n"); scanf ("%d\n", &b); { {printf ("How many plain burgers would you like?\n"); scanf ("%d\n", &d);} if (d>b) {printf ("invalid data, please re enter amount\n");} else {printf ("How many cheese burgers would you like?\n"); scanf ("%d\n", &e);} if (e>b-d) {printf ("invalid data, please re enter amount\n");} else {printf ("How many ketchup burgers would you like?\n"); scanf ("%d\n", &f);} if (f>b- (d+e)) {printf ("invalid data, please re enter amount\n");} } return 0; }.


You could use puts instead of printf when you only want to print a string to console.

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