Diagnosing Your Pet
So, you think your pet is sick? Well there's an easy way to check! You can tell whether pets are sick by visiting the Quick Ref page. If your pet is sick, you will see a message about what illness they have.
Where to Buy Medicine
Once you know what disease your pet has, the next step is purchasing the proper medication. Check the Known Cures tables to see what type of medication to purchase. All of these items are sold in the Neopian Pharmacy, Lost Desert Medicine, or Remarkable Restoratives. You can also visit the Shop Wizard and purchase the items from fellow Neopians.
Healing Strategies
If the medicine your pet needs is too expensive, don't worry. You have several options that don't involve buying the cures listed below. Your best bet is to visit the Healing Springs every 30 minutes, free of charge, until your pet is healed.
Reasons to Cure Your Neopet
If your Neopet is sick, it will not be able to battle in the Battledome. It will also have a sickly appearance, which is just no fun to look at!
Known Cures
The following table lists all of the illnesses that your Neopet can catch, as well as any items that are known to cure them. We have divided these items up into two different categories: guaranteed to cure and potential to cure. Items in the guaranteed category are from the Neopian Pharmacy and have a 100% success rate at healing your pet.
The following table contains "potential" cure-alls for any of the above diseases. These items are multi-effect, meaning that one of their effects is a complete cure-all, but they also have other known effects (for example: making your pet not hungry).
Hit Point Restorers
Some items, although labeled as medical cures, will not actually cure your pet of an illness. Rather, these items are out-of-battledome healers, similar to Healing Potions. This means that they have the ability to restore some (or all) of your pet's hit points. It may take several tries before they work, however.