What are the extended mods in cod mobile BR?
This mod works at any distance and is mostly useful for mid to long range fights. That’s because in CoD Mobile BR, at close range even though your shots are hidden from the map and compass, the enemy can still hear you and locate you easily. At number 8 you have the Extended Mods.
What are mods in Call of Duty Mobile?
Mods are now part of the CoD Mobile battle Royale and there is no getting around it. So why not decode them instead so that players can actually understand them. In this Call of Duty: Mobile guide you will be going over ten mods that can be added in the BR games.
What does the Golden extend Mod do in cod mobile?
This mod has 2 functions; it increases the mag capacity and reduces the reload time. In total there are 5 versions of Extended Mods in CoD Mobile. The Golden Extend mod, which is also known as the void mod, has the highest mag increase and the fastest reload time.
Is call of Duty Mobile mod ApK a good business strategy?
Call of Duty Mobile Mod Apk is certainly an excellent business tactic to make the Call of Duty console version even more famous. After experimenting with the richness of the game on the mobile version there will definitely be a rise in the sales of the console version.

What is a cod hack?
The Call of Duty COD Mobile (CODM) Cheat by Cheto is the most advanced COD Mobile Hack to date, leaving everything else in the dust. Works both on iOS and iPadOS and NO JAILBREAK is required.
What is an aimbot?
Our aimbot is an advanced aimbot with a prediction engine, ensuring that every bullet hits the target, regardless of how fast the target is moving and what type of bullets you are shooting.
What mods are used in CoD Mobile BR?
Starting with the dense mod , which is probably the most used mod in the game. Not only because it’s good but also because it can be found easily in every CoD Mobile BR game. This mod increases the accuracy of the gun. That includes both the ADS accuracy and the hipfire accuracy. In the game there are 4 versions of it.
What is the muffled mod in CoD Mobile?
At number 9 you have the muffled mod. This mod will hide your gun shots from the enemies’ mini map and the compass. This mod works at any distance and is mostly useful for mid to long range fights. That’s because in CoD Mobile BR, at close range even though your shots are hidden from the map and compass, the enemy can still hear you and locate you easily.
How effective is the Dense mod?
In the game there are 4 versions of it. With the help of the Dense mod you will be able to reduce the bullet spread. The Dense mods are mostly effective at longer ranges because you will have to readjust your aim less and the bullets tend to spread more. In total, this mod will help you hit more of your shots.
How long is a slide in CoD Mobile?
If you slide in CoD Mobile without using the slider mod, your slide will be 4 meters long. Once you attach this mod, the slide distance will increase by 1 meter making it 5 meters in total.
How to park and exit quickly in CoD Mobile BR?
How do you park and exit quickly without destroying the helicopter in CoD Mobile BR? It’s simple, just choose a building that isn’t too high and make sure you’re flying at full speed. Now get as close as possible to the roof of the building then click the exit button. There are many benefits to this trick.
What rank is the Sleuth mod?
1.Sleuth Mod. At number 10 you have the sleuth mod. Some players might be surprised at why it was placed, a golden mod in rank 10. The thing is, just because it’s a golden mod doesn’t mean it’s the best. There are 2 glitches with this mod and both of them make it much stronger.