2021-22 School Year Food Service Update
Regulations require Districts participating in the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) to set prices for paid meals at a rate that is more equal with funds brought in from free and reduced-price meal reimbursements. This requirement is known as Paid Lunch Equity (PLE).
Under the Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act of 2010 and the National School Lunch Program, the required components of a "meal" to be offered include: fluid milk, grains, meat/meat alternates, fruits, and vegetables. Students are required to take 3 of the 5 components offered and one component must be a full serving of fruit or vegetable.
Accounts, Payments, and Free & Reduced Meal Info
Negative balance email to those with less than -$0.01 in account. (Tuesday and Thursday)
Special Diets
Indian Prairie School District #204 and OrganicLife SmartFoodservice takes food allergies very seriously and takes every precaution to keep our cafeterias and kitchens safe for your children.
Lunch Menus
Hearty Luncheon A nourishing lunch which is also a good idea for a small dinner party. Serve with mineral water, fruit juice, tea and coffee
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