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by Cydney Erdman V Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

What kind of rum is crostwater?

Crostwater likes to think of it as 'Rum, with spices'. They steep natural, whole spices and botanicals in their award-winning sugarcane based rum, creating both the rich amber color and deep flavors which sets their spiced rum apart.

What is crostwater vodka and what does it taste like?

Mixed with anything, made into a perfect martini (clean or dirty), or enjoyed as an ice cold shot as in Russia, Crostwater Vodka has a little something for everyone. Caribbean Style Rum is probably the oldest distilled spirit in the western hemisphere with its history tracing back to the early 1600s.

Why choose crostwater distilled spirits?

Sourcing all their grains from local farmers, Crostwater Distilled Spirits is proud to continue the long history and tradition of rye whiskey production in Pennsylvania. Most people think big and bold with strong notes of pepper when thinking of rye...but not all ryes are created equal!


What is Crostwater aged rum?

Crostwater Aged Rum starts with their award winning white rum , which goes into a Charred New White American Oak Barrel to take a 6 month nap. When it awakens, what once was a crisp, clean young rum emerges as a new complex spirit. It has a sweet, almost butterscotch like aroma, even though there are no added colors or flavorings. The taste has a hint of vanilla and sweet citrus. Although the smell is sweet, the palate does not overwhelm. With a smooth, slightly toasted or smoky finish, it has been said on many occasions that it 'drinks a bit like whiskey'. Won Silver Medal from American Distilling Institute - 2019

What is the oldest rum?

Caribbean Style Rum is probably the oldest distilled spirit in the western hemisphere with its history tracing back to the early 1600s. Although it eventually became widely known to be made with molasses, Crostwater Distilled Spirits’ takes the old approach to rum. Going for the cleanest and best taste possible, Crostwater Rum is made from 100% Non-GMO cane sugar grown in the United States. It is the swiss army knife of the product line: it can mix with almost anything or any flavor, stand on its own, make a small simple cocktail, or a large batch drink or punch.

Is Crostwater vodka a neutral spirit?

Although known to most as a neutral spirit, the Eastern Bloc Countries' vodkas notably have a whisper of sweetness. Using 100% Pennsylvania grown corn, Crostwater vodka continues that tradition. Being distilled and filtered multiple times also results in a clean, smooth finish.

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