crying tiger menu

by Irving Kemmer Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

What is a crying tiger at Thai restaurants?

Crying Tiger is a dish of grilled steak and a spicy Thai dipping sauce. No, you're not eating a tiger, but this dish definitely has a catchy name!

What is the meaning of crying tiger?

Crying Tiger is a dish of grilled steak and a spicy Thai dipping sauce. No, you're not eating a tiger, but this dish definitely has a catchy name! The Thai name translates to 'Crying Tiger', and it got this name because the dipping sauce is suppose to be so spicy that it'll make a tiger cry.

Why is it called Crying Tiger Sauce?

The Thai name translates to 'Crying Tiger', and it got this name because the dipping sauce is suppose to be so spicy that it'll make a tiger cry. Whenever we have family dinners at our house, this dish is highly requested. It's a simple dish consisting of grilled steak and dipping sauce, but the sauce puts it over the top!

Can you really eat a tiger?

No, you're not eating a tiger, but this dish definitely has a catchy name! The Thai name translates to 'Crying Tiger', and it got this name because the dipping sauce is suppose to be so spicy that it'll make a tiger cry.


What Kind of Meat to Use in Crying Tiger?

Unlike the name, we are definitely not eating Tiger! Instead use your favorite cut of steak for this dish.

Crying Tiger Dipping Sauce

This is the key component for Crying Tiger and can be adjusted to your liking. The sauce can be described as a spicy, sour, and salty. A trifecta of flavors.

Can the dipping sauce be made ahead of time?

Since the toasted rice powder expands when it sits in the liquid, I don't recommend making it too far in advance. You can have all your herbs prepped along with the items you will be serving the crying tiger with.

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