How do I use drop down menus in D3 visualizations?
The example demonstrates how to use drop down menus to allow users to interact with your D3 visualizations. Add <select> elements for each drop down. This could be done in HTML (as it is here) or in D3. Populate the menu items ( <option> ).
What is a dropdown menu?
A dropdown menu is a toggleable menu that allows the user to choose one value from a predefined list: Create a Clickable Dropdown. Create a dropdown menu that appears when the user clicks on a button.
How do I change the seletion in D3?
If these are computed from your data (as they are here), you will want to do this in D3. Use .on ("change", change_function) to call change_function () each time the seletion is changed. change_function () should be a function with no inputs. Make sure this is applied to the D3 selection for the <select> element and not for the <option> elements.
How do I make a dropdown menu appear on hover?
The .dropdown class uses position:relative, which is needed when we want the dropdown content to be placed right below the dropdown button (using position:absolute ). The .dropdown-content class holds the actual dropdown menu. It is hidden by default, and will be displayed on hover (see below). Note the min-width is set to 160px.

A dropdown menu is a toggleable menu that allows the user to choose one value from a predefined list:
Example Explained
Use any element to open the dropdown menu, e.g. a <button>, <a> or <p> element.
Example Explained
We have styled the dropdown button with a background-color, padding, hover effect, etc.