What are some healthy school lunches?
Here are just a few menu items that make school breakfasts and lunches healthy and nutritious: whole-grain rolls, biscuits, buns and pizza crust. cupped fruit in natural or extra-light syrup. reduced-fat dressings.
What to eat for lunch in school?
Here are just a few menu items that make school breakfasts and lunches healthy and nutritious: 1 whole-grain rolls, biscuits, buns and pizza crust 2 cupped fruit in natural or extra-light syrup 3 reduced-fat dressings 4 baked fries (no frying at all in elementary or middle schools) 5 whole-grain breading on chicken and nuggets 6 100% beef and reduced-fat burgers 7 low-fat and fat-free milk 8 vegetarian choice every day
Is 2 percent milk available?
Whole milk and 2 percent milk will not be available.) more whole grains (At least half of all the grains in school meals must be whole grains.) minimum and maximum levels for all grain products and protein products. less sodium.
Does Chesterfield County have a healthy lunch?
Chesterfield County Public Schools provides nutritious breakfasts and lunches, offering milk, fruits, vegetables, proteins and grains and meeting strict limits on saturated fat and portion size. The nutritional integrity of school meals has always been a priority, and the school system is meeting the challenges set forth in the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act. School lunches must meet tough federal standards that require