What meal plan does Dartmouth offer for first-year students?
First-year students are enrolled in the Ivy Unlimited meal plan for all three terms of the first year. The Ivy Unlimited is Dartmouth's preferred dining plan.
Is there a dining menu at Dartmouth-Hitchcock?
The following dining menus at Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center are provided in PDF format. Note: Nutritional information is on page 2 of each menu. Please direct your questions to food.nutrition.comments@hitchcock.org.
What is the Ivy unlimited dining plan Dartmouth?
Ivy Unlimited Dining Plan The Ivy Unlimited is Dartmouth's preferred dining plan. The plan gives you unlimited access to The Class of 1953 Commons, a meal equivalency at our participating cafes or a meal to-go from 53 Commons each meal period, and $250 in Dining Dollars per term. Click Here for More Information
Where can I find information about dining at UMassD?
More about dining locations and hours of operation can be found at dineoncampus.com/umassd. Think of a street taco cantina and you have Tú Taco. The concept brings the street indoors with a simple soft taco that pays homage to Tex-Mex and Cali influences. UMassD runs on Dunkin'! Hungry?

Where do Dartmouth students eat?
Where can you eat on campus? There are 5 primary places to eat on campus: FoCo, Collis, the Hop, Ramekin, and Novack. All menus can be found online at Dartmouth Dining!
How many dining halls does Dartmouth?
At Dartmouth, students living on- and off-campus can choose from a variety of meal plans to gain access to any of our six dining options. There are a total of six locations, and each has something great to offer. Here are some of my favorites!
What is FoCo Dartmouth?
The Class of '53 Commons, more informally known to the student body as “Foco,” is the main, all-you-can-eat dining hall on campus. It is known for being very “facetimey,” a Dartmouth slang word for someone or somewhere that is very social.
Does DBA roll over Dartmouth?
As of this fall, no part of students' leftover DBA will roll over between terms. In previous years, any remaining balance up to $100 could transfer to the following term, provided that the student would be on campus.
Does Dartmouth have communal bathrooms?
Most freshman dorms have shared bathrooms on each floor, although some rooms have private bathrooms.
Do swipes roll over?
Dining Dollars and Residential Meal Swipes, as part of the Community 25 and 50 plans, do roll over from the Fall semester to the Spring semester and reset at the end of the school year.
Is the Dartmouth library open?
The libraries are now open to visitors and community members, see Dartmouth Libraries and Hours.
The following options are for returning students
First-year students are enrolled in the Ivy Unlimited meal plan for all three terms of the first year.
Plans Offered
The Ivy Unlimited is Dartmouth's preferred dining plan. It provides the ultimate in food access, with unlimited entry to our flagship dining hall, Class of 1953 Commons, as well as the option to use a meal equivalency at our participating cafés during operating hours or to take a meal to-go from '53 Commons during its operating hours.
Frequently Asked Questions
If I live off-campus in an apartment or house, can I buy a meal plan? Yes. All students who are authorized to be at Dartmouth College can have a meal plan with Dining and access all our properties.