Does Denim & Oak offer delivery through OpenTable or takeout?
Denim & Oak offers takeout which you can order by calling the restaurant at (706) 780-7800.
How is Denim & Oak restaurant rated?
Denim & Oak is rated 4.6 stars by 78 OpenTable diners.
Is Denim & Oak currently accepting reservations?
Yes, you can generally book this restaurant by choosing the date, time and party size on OpenTable.
School Menus
HCPSS students and their families can now view menus and nutrition and allergen information for meals served in all HCPSS schools through Nutrislice, a website and free smartphone app.
The Howard County Public School System recently transitioned to a new online meal payment system, MySchoolBucks.com. This website allows families to easily manage student accounts and make payments online on personal computers and mobile devices.
For more information on the HCPSS wellness policy, and information on nutrition and allergens, please visit the Food Services site.