dieta scarsdale menu

by Prof. Elfrieda Heidenreich Sr. Published 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Day 1

Meals What To Eat
Early Morning (6:00 – 7:30 a.m) 2 cups water (room temperature)
Breakfast (8:30- 9:00 a.m) ½ grapefruit+1 slice of protein bread + ...
Lunch (12:00 – 12:30 p.m) Assorted cold cuts + tomatoes (boiled, s ...
Dinner (7:00 p.m) Any kind of fish or shellfish + combinat ...
May 11 2022

Full Answer

What is the Scarsdale Medical diet?

The Scarsdale Medical Diet is one of the best known low-carb diets ever created. It has helped literally thousands of individuals to lose weight and establish healthier eating habits.

What is a good substitute for lunch on the Scarsdale Diet?

Scarsdale Medical Diet – Substitute Lunch If you wish, you may substitute the following lunch for any lunch, any day, on the Scarsdale Medical Diet. One half cup low-fat pot cheese or cottage cheese, mixed with one tablespoon of low-fat sour cream

Can you eat cocktail sauce on the Scarsdale Medical diet?

Salt, Non-stick vegetable spray, cocktail sauce, ketchup, chili sauce & mustard are all permitted but should be used within moderation. Scarsdale Medical Diet – Substitute Lunch If you wish, you may substitute the following lunch for any lunch, any day, on the Scarsdale Medical Diet.

What not to eat when you are on Scarsdale Diet?

Now, the most important list – the foods that you must avoid while you are on Scarsdale diet. Check them out. Veggies – Potato, sweet potatoes, beans and lentils, pumpkin. Fruits – Avocados and jackfruit. Fats & Oils – Animal fat, butter, ghee, mayonnaise, ranch, canola oil, and vegetable oil.


What is the Scarsdale diet?

The Scarsdale Medical Diet is one of the best known low-carb diets ever created. It has helped literally thousands of individuals to lose weight and establish healthier eating habits. The Scarsdale Diet Companion is an 89 page comprehensive eBook overview and guide to this highly acclaimed diet. It includes everything you need to know to follow this diet successfully.

How many days does Scarsdale Diet last?

The complete original 14 day Scarsdale Diet meal plan. Where no portion is indicated, you can eat as much as you like. Eat until you are satisfied, not stuffed.

What to eat with steak?

Plenty of broiled (grilled) steak, all visible fat removed before eating; any cut of steak you wish- sirloin, porterhouse, London broil, etc. Salad of lettuce, cucumbers, celery, tomatoes (sliced or cooked) Brussels Sprouts. Coffee/Tea/Diet Soda/Water.

Can you substitute lunch for lunch on the Scarsdale diet?

If you wish, you may substitute the following lunch for any lunch, any day, on the Scarsdale Medical Diet.

Who created the Scarsdale diet?

The Scarsdale diet menu and complete diet plan were created by Dr. Herman Tarnower (March 18, 1910 – March 10, 1980).

What to eat with steak?

Plenty of broiled (grilled) steak, all visible fat removed before eating; any cut of steak you wish- sirloin, porterhouse, London broil, etc. Salad of lettuce, cucumbers, celery, tomatoes (sliced or cooked) Brussels Sprouts. Coffee/Tea/Diet Soda/Water.

Does Scarsdale require meal portioning?

Scarsdale diet menu does not require meal portioning. You can eat as much as you like until you are satisfied (not stuffed).

What is the Scarsdale diet?

The Scarsdale Diet menu consist of half a grapefruit every day (or other seasonal fruit), a slice of protein bread, served with coffee or tea. Unfortunately sugar, honey, cream and milk additions are totally prohibited.

What is the first 14 day phase of Scarsdale?

Everything You Need To Know About The Scarsdale Diet Menu. During the first initial 14 day phase (referred to as Diet Phase) the diet should be followed to the last letter. The second 14 day phase (referred to as Keep Trip Phase) allows for a lot less “red diet tape”.

Does Scarsdale have a snack menu?

The majority of eating plans available on the market today recommend no in between meal snacking what so ever, the Scarsdale diet menu however is different. It allows for carrots, celery and low sodium veggie soups snacking. This will help you feel fuller during meals but not over indulged.

Is Scarsdale diet good for adults?

Your doctor will give due consideration to your current health status and medical history before recommending a suitable diet to follow. In general the Scarsdale diet Menu is only recommended for adults with no special dietary requirements.

How many calories are in Scarsdale diet?

The Scarsdale Diet was created by Dr. Herman Turnower, a cardiologist. This specially designed 1000- calorie, high-protein diet (46% protein, 21% fat, and 35% carbohydrates) helped Dr. Herman’s patients lose about 20 pounds in just 2 weeks. In 1978, this medical diet was published in a book called The Complete Scarsdale Medical Diet (1).

How Will You Feel By The End Of Scarsdale Diet?

After you complete the 2-week Scarsdale diet, you will find yourself rejuvenated, less anxious, highly productive, and of course slimmer than before. You will sleep better and would be able to focus more on your work or school. In fact, this diet is going to help you change your lifestyle, which you will love. Now, let me tell you how this diet actually works.

How long is the Scarsdale diet safe?

So, the bottom line is, the Scarsdale diet is not a safe option beyond 2 weeks and for those who want a permanent solution. But, for quick results or for cosmetic purposes, you can follow the Scarsdale diet along with a workout routine to reap the following benefits.

Does Scarsdale diet cause kidney damage?

Scarsdale Diet Side Effects. Calcium Deficiency – Exclusion of milk lowers the level of calcium intake and poses risks for women. Kidney and liver Damage – Ketosis is a common side effect of the Scarsdale Diet. If this diet is continued for a long period, ketosis can cause serious damage to the kidneys and liver.

Does Scarsdale Medical Diet help with weight loss?

Yes, the proteins take time to digest and thus can aid weight loss without losing muscle mass (3). But, healthy fats and complex carbs should not be ignored. The Scarsdale Medical Diet is not actually nutritionally balanced, and you may gain back all the weight once you discontinue this diet.

Can Scarsdale cause liver damage?

If this diet is continued for a long period , ketosis can cause serious damage to the kidneys and liver. Metabolic Disorder – The Scarsdale Diet can cause porphyria (excretion of excessive number of porphyrins), an inherited metabolic disorder that occurs due to fasting or long-term use of a VLCD.

Is Scarsdale diet a fad?

Today, many use this diet to lose weight quickly in a short time. Of course, it is a fad diet, and you must consult your doctor before you try it. After your doctor’s approval, here’s everything you need to follow the Scarsdale Diet. Let’s begin!

¿Quién creó la dieta Scardale?

El menú de la dieta Scardale nació como un plan de alimentación básico para perder peso. Se trata de una dieta hipocalórica creada por el médico Herman Tarnower.

¿Qué es la dieta Scardale y sus características?

En general, la dieta Scardale consiste en distribuir los nutrientes en las siguientes proporciones: 31,5% de carbohidratos, 43% de proteínas y 22,5% de grasas. El objetivo es no consumir más de 1.000 calorías diarias. Los resultados de esta dieta son prometedores, ya que se pueden adelgazar hasta 8 kilos en dos semanas.

¿Cuánto tiempo dura la dieta Scardale?

El menú de la dieta Scardale está planteado para un periodo de 14 días. Lo ideal es no añadir nada a lo que está y, por supuesto, no quitar ningún alimento.

What is the Scarsdale diet?

The Scarsdale diet is a diet from the 70's that is based around the idea of eating proteins, carbohydrates and fats in the portions 43% protein, 22.5% fat and 34.5% carbohydrates.

Why is the Scarsdale diet not recommended?

Initially when the Scarsdale diet was created the risks of a high protein diet were not yet known, but since then a high protein diet is generally not recommended namely due to the pressure it puts on the kidneys and the risk it poses in developing osteoporosis.

How long does the Scarsdale diet last?

Originally as the diet was only recommended to be followed for a total of two weeks, Dr. Tarnower then suggested that it be followed by his keep trim programme, which although not quite as strict as the Scarsdale component (containing more calories), still banned many foods.

What to eat on a diet?

Dinner. Roast lamb (with all visible fat removed) or fish, seafood, chicken, turkey, or vegetable protein. Salad with lemon and vinegar dressing. Coffee. Drinks. Water, diet drinks, tea, and soda water. The doctor who invented the diet recommends that dieters walk 3km each day, so obviously exercise comes into play.

How many carbs are in Scarsdale diet?

The nutrient ratio for the diet is 43% protein, 22.5% fat, and 34.5% carbohydrate. The Scarsdale diet claims the ability to help people lose an average of one pound per day.

Why is strict diet so hard?

Strict menu of foods results in choices that aren't all that appealing and tasty to most people though the high protein component of the diet aids in a feeling of fullness and satisfaction. However a primary reason why the diet may be difficult for many people is, just like many other diets, it concentrates predominately on food restrictions ...

Scarsdale diet, how it works: weight loss and maintenance

To specifically indicate whether the Scarsdale Diet works, let’s first start with its basic principles. The number of certainly on day 3 three, the main ones (breakfast, lunch and dinner), while mid-morning or afternoon snacks are not allowed.

Scarsdale diet, maintenance

As pointed out in the previous paragraphs, very important in Scarsdale is the maintenance phase. The goal of these additional two weeks is to gradually accustom the body to the return to higher caloric levels. Without exaggerating clearly, but still more than the 1000 calories followed during the 14 day diet.

Scarsdale diet, results and possible side effects

As good as the Scarsdale Diet promises results, starting with a rapid and significant weight loss, this diet is not free from possibilities side effects. First of all, the fact that much of its effectiveness is based on the loss of fluids, the depletion of carbohydrates and the reduction of muscle mass.


Day One

  1. 1/2 grapefruit
  2. 1 slice of toast made with protein bread
  3. tea/coffee/diet soda/water
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Day Two

  1. fruit salad
  2. tea/coffee/diet soda/water
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Day Three

  1. tuna salad made with lemon juice and vinegar (drain any oil from tin)
  2. 1/2 grapefruit
  3. one slice of protein bread
  4. tea/coffee/diet soda/water
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Day Four

  1. two eggs any style (cooked without oil)
  2. cottage cheese
  3. string beans or tomatoes
  4. one slice of protein bread
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Day Five

  1. assorted low fat cheese slices
  2. spinach
  3. one slice of protein bread
  4. tea/coffee/diet soda/water
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Day Six

  1. fruit salad
  2. tea/coffee/diet soda/water
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Day Seven

  1. chicken or turkey breast served hot or cold (with skin and visible fat removed)
  2. tomato & carrots
  3. cabbage
  4. broccoli or cauliflower
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  1. 1/2 grapefruit – the best fruit for breakfast! However if you don’t have a grapefruit at hand, you can substitute it for other fruit in season.
  2. One slice of protein bread, toasted, no spread added.
  3. Coffee or tea (no sugar, cream or milk, no honey).
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Day 1

  • Lunch: 1. Assorted cold cuts 2. Tomatoes – sliced, broiled, or stewed 3. Coffee/Tea/Diet Soda/Water Dinner: 1. Fish or shellfish, any kind 2. Combination salad, any greens and vegetables as you wish 3. One slice protein bread– toasted 4. Grapefruit – if not available, use fruit in season 5. Coffee/Tea/Diet Soda/Water
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Day 2

  • Lunch: 1. Fruit salad – any combination of fruits 2. Coffee/Tea/Diet Soda/Water Dinner: 1. Plenty of broiled, lean hamburger 2. Tomatoes, lettuce, celery, olives (limit 4), cucumbers and/or Brussels Sprouts 3. Coffee/Tea/Diet Soda/Water
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Day 3

  • Lunch: 1. Tuna fish or salmon salad (oil drained off) with lemon and vinegar dressing 2. Grapefruit, or melon, or fruit in season 3. Coffee/Tea/Diet Soda/Water Dinner: 1. Sliced roast lamb*, all visible fat removed 2. Salad of lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, celery 3. Coffee/Tea/Diet Soda/Water * Can be substituted with fish, seafood, chicken or turkey
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Day 4

  • Lunch: 1. Two eggs, any style (no fat used in cooking) 2. Low-fat cottage cheese 3. Zucchini, or string beans, or sliced/stewed tomatoes 4. One slice of protein bread, toasted 5. Coffee/Tea/Diet Soda/Water Dinner: 1. Roast, broiled or barbequed chicken (skin and visible fat removed before eating) 2. Plenty of spinach, green peppers, string beans 3. Coffee/Tea/Diet Soda/Water
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Day 5

  1. Assorted cheese slices (preferably low fat)
  2. Spinach, all you want
  3. One slice of protein bread – toasted
  4. Coffee/Tea/Diet Soda/Water
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Day 6

  • Lunch: 1. Fruit salad, any combination of fruits 2. Coffee/Tea/Diet Soda/Water Dinner: 1. Roast turkey or chicken 2. Salad of tomatoes and lettuce 3. Grapefruit or fruit in season 4. Coffee/Tea/Diet Soda/Water
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Day 7

  • Lunch: 1. Cold or hot turkey or chicken 2. Tomatoes, carrots, cooked cabbage, broccoli or cauliflower 3. Grapefruit, or fruit in season 4. Coffee/Tea/Diet Soda/Water Dinner: 1. Plenty of broiled (grilled) steak, all visible fat removed before eating; any cut of steak you wish- sirloin, porterhouse, London broil, etc. 2. Salad of lettuce, cucumbers, celery, tomatoes (sliced or cooke…
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Thinking About Going on The Scarsdale Diet?

  • This diet is not an easy task and by our opinion, it is hard to prepare and to follow. Despite that fact, it definitely gives the desired results … Read our review Join our closed Facebook discussion group about the Scarsdale Diet. You are welcome to join here! There will be a lot of sharing and discussions about the original diet plan. Everyone is free to share their experience and weight lo…
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