eb desilva lunch menu

by Kellen Hessel Published 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago

When will Churchill pick up students in New Jersey?

Click here for an aerial view of Churchill’s pick up location. Per the state of New Jersey, effective September 4, 2020, all students, regardless of meal status, may receive breakfast and lunch meals at no cost.

What is the rule for meal account balances?

Student Meal Account Balances are managed in accordance with Board of Education Regulation 8500, Part F, which requires that all meal account balances remaining at fiscal year end be carried over for use during the next school year.

Can I get free meals in September?

Free or Reduced Price Meals. A child whose family size and family income are at or below guidelines set by the Department of Agriculture may be eligible for free or reduced meals. Parents who do not apply in September may become eligible during the school year if circumstances change.

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