Embedded menus, where menu items are embed- ded within the information being displayed on screen, in some respects represent an improvement on the more traditional explicit menu.
Full Answer
This repository contains a menu library in C++ that is originally intended for use in 8-bit microcontrollers. It is basically a design exercise in OOP, C++ callbacks and C++ templates. I initially developed a similar version without using templates for a project at my workplace.
Testing the menu on the PC
The current test design, as defined in main.cpp, displays the name of the node/item on the left column and the value it holds on the right, if any. If no value is shown on the right, then that is a navigation item, i.e. an item containing a subsection.
How to secure a submenu in TCMenu?
Securing a submenu using tcMenu. By dave on September 12, 2019. It is possible to secure sub-menus in tcMenu by setting the secured switch in the designer UI. Once this is done, and as long as there is an authenticator within your sketch that is assigned to the menu manager, then there is nothing else to do.
What is TCMenu in rendering?
TcMenu allows you to take over the display from the renderer very easily, once you own the display, you will be called back at regular intervals by the rendering class, and it is your responsibility to update the display at this time (if there are changes that require redrawing).
What is TCMenu?
TcMenu supports a wide range of rendering devices, from HD44780 based units using our LiquidCrystal fork through to mono OLED’s and full colour TFT displays using the Adafruit_GFX library. In order to achieve such a wide range of displays the renderer describes things in terms of menu items, active positions, editors and dialogs. This allows each renderer to convert these concepts into something that works for its needs. You can also easily take over the display to draw your own screen at any time.