fndload for menu in oracle apps

by Mrs. Danyka Bins III Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

The Generic Loader (FNDLOAD) is a concurrent program that can transfer Oracle Application entity data between database and text file. The loader reads a configuration file to determine which entity to access. In simple words FNDLOAD is used to transfer entity data from one instance/database to other. For example if you want to move a concurrent program/menu/value sets developed in DEVELOPMENT instance to PRODUCTION instance you can use this command.

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What is fndload in Oracle?

The Generic Loader (FNDLOAD) is a concurrent program that can transfer Oracle Application entity data between database and text file. The loader reads a configuration file to determine which entity to access.

Where can I find the configuration files for the fndload utility?

FNDLOAD utility is located in $FND_TOP/bin folder. Oracle has provided configuration files for downloading each of these setups. These configuration files end with extension .lct. These are located in $FND_TOP/patch/115/import/ folder.

What is the use of fndload utility in Salesforce?

FNDLOAD utility downloads data from an application entity into an editable text file with the definition of the application object, which can be uploaded to another database.This is basically done during the releases to upload the application from the development instances to the production instance.

Is fndload reliable and stable?

FNDLOAD is very reliable and stable, if used properly. This happens to by one of my favourite Oracle utilities. 4. Last but not the least, please test your FNDLOAD properly, so as to ensure that you do not get any unexpected data.


What is the use of Fndload in Oracle Apps?

The Generic Loader (FNDLOAD) is a concurrent program that can move Oracle E-Business Suite data between database and text file representations. The loader reads a configuration file to determine what data to access.

What is LCT and LDT file in Oracle Apps?

The Generic Loader downloads data from a database according to a configuration (. lct) file, and converts the data into a data file (. ldt file). The Generic Loader can then upload this data to another database using a configuration file.

How do I download concurrent programs using Fndload?

FNDLOAD Command to Upload a Concurrent Program.Request Group Fndload Command in oracle Applications.Fndload Form Function Download Upload Command.Fndload Template for a Data definition Download Upload Command.Fndload Request Set Download Upload Command.Fndload Responsibility Download Upload Command.More items...•

How do I create an LDT file?

Profile Options: SOURCE: FNDLOAD apps/apps O Y DOWNLOAD $FND_TOP/patch/115/import/afscprof. ... Forms: SOURCE: FNDLOAD apps/apps O Y DOWNLOAD $FND_TOP/patch/115/import/afsload. ... Functions: SOURCE: FNDLOAD apps/apps O Y DOWNLOAD $FND_TOP/patch/115/import/afsload. ... Menus: SOURCE: ... Responsibilities:

How do I move a concurrent program from one instance to another?

Define your concurrent program and save it in first instance(for how to register a concurrent program click here)Connect to your UNIX box on first instance and run the following command to download the .ldt file. ... Move the downloaded .ldf file to new instance(Use FTP)More items...•

Where is application short name in Oracle Apps backend?

SELECT fa.application_id "Application ID",fat.application_name "Application Name",fa.application_short_name "Application Short Name",fa.basepath "Basepath"fnd_application_tl fat.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

FNDLOAD utility is provided by oracle to migrate setups from one instance to another. This is capable of migrating most of the common setups in an Oracle apps instance. This covers most of the setups stored in FND schema. Steps is, perform the setups manually in the source instance (Eg: Development or test instance) and download the ldt file.

FNDLOAD commands to upload and download setups in R12 Oracle apps instance

FNDLOAD utility is provided by oracle to migrate setups from one instance to another. This is capable of migrating most of the common setups in an Oracle apps instance. This covers most of the setups stored in FND schema. Steps is, perform the setups manually in the source instance (Eg: Development or test instance) and download the ldt file.

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