Where can I order freshido kitchen online?
ORDER ONLINE DOWNLOAD OUR APP Freshido Kitchen ABOUT US MENU CAREER Order online Freshido KitchenABOUT USMENUCAREEROrder online Scroll opening demo Freshido 300 Market Street Sui#157-159, Harrisburg, PA, 17101, United States 7176033501info@freshido.com Hours LOCATIONS
What is freshido's phone number?
United States 7176033501info@freshido.com Hours LOCATIONS Downtown Harrisburg , PA 300 Market Street #157-159 Harrisburg Pa 17101 Telphone:(717) 603-3501 OPEN HOURS
Where can I find freshido in Pennsylvania?
LOCATIONS Downtown Harrisburg , PA 300 Market Street #157-159 Harrisburg Pa 17101 Telphone:(717) 603-3501 OPEN HOURS Monday - Saturday 11am-4pm Email: info@freshido.com Hershey, PA 151 W. Chocolate Ave #142 Hershey Pa 17033 Telephone:(717) 500-5335
How do I contact freshido Hershey?
Harrisburg Pa 17101 Telphone:(717) 603-3501 OPEN HOURS Monday - Saturday 11am-4pm Email: info@freshido.com Hershey, PA 151 W. Chocolate Ave #142 Hershey Pa 17033 Telephone:(717) 500-5335

What are the Freshido sauces?
4. SAUCEfreshido classic. smoky lava.creamy white. citrus fresh.sweet gochu. sriracha aioli.sesame dressing. wasabi aioli.
What is Freshido classic sauce?
Freshido classic. a vinaigrette with soy sauce, sesame oil, ginger, garlic, vinegar, savory, vegan except for small amount of honey. Citrus.
What is the healthiest poke sauce?
Miso-based marinades up the probiotic content It's a healthier choice than creamy aioli, which is high in calories and Sriracha, which could be high in sugar, too. Ponzu, made with rice vinegar, citrus juice, soy sauce, kelp, bonito flakes, and mirin, is another healthy poke bowl mainstay.
What is poke sauce made of?
If you haven't tasted a poké dish yet, it is mainly made up of raw, chopped fish, spring onions, soy sauce, chilli and sesame oil.