What flavors of Girl Scout cookies do they have this year?
Download the 2022 Cookie Varieties Handout (PDF) to share with others.Toast-Yay! ™ ... Adventurefuls™ The new indulgent brownie-inspired cookie with caramel-flavored crème and a hint of sea salt. ... Thin Mints® ... Caramel deLites® ... Peanut Butter Patties® ... Lemonades® ... Shortbread. ... Peanut Butter Sandwich.More items...
What are the prices of Girl Scout cookies this year?
Plus, all proceeds from Girl Scout Cookies stay local to help fund life-changing, girl-led programs, experiences, and learning all year long in your area. Traditional Girl Scout Cookie flavors cost $5/package, and the gluten-free flavor costs $6/package.
What cookies do the Girl Scouts sell?
The best-selling Girl Scout Cookies are:Thin Mints. ®Caramel deLites®/Samoas. ®Peanut Butter Patties®/Tagalongs. ®Do-si-dos®/Peanut Butter Sandwich. ®Lemonades/Lemon-Ups®
Are Girl Scout Cookies $5 a box?
Because each regional council sets its own prices, the cost of a box of cookies depends on the realities of your local market. In 2017, the price jumped overall, with many areas seeing boxes go from $3.50 or $4 to a cool $5.
How much is thin mints 2022?
All Girl Scout Cookie Program participants must abide by our council's established retail price of $5 for the core cookies (Do-Si-Dos, Samoas, Tagalongs, Thin Mints, Trefoils, Lemon-Ups and the NEW Adventurefuls) and $6/box for specialty cookies ( S'mores and Toffee-tastic).
What's the newest Girl Scout Cookie?
AdventurefulsThe newest Girl Scout cookie, Adventurefuls, has fallen victim to supply chain and labor disruptions. The brownie-inspired treat features a caramel-flavored creme and a dash of sea salt.
Are Peanut Butter Patties and Tagalongs the same?
The only real distinction is that the Tagalongs have more layers of peanut butter inside their chocolate coating, while Peanut Butter Patties have a vanilla layer to complement the peanut butter filling. Tagalongs, obviously, have a way better name.
What is the most popular Girl Scout Cookie?
Thin MintsIn fact, according to Google Trends, in the U.S. overall, Thin Mints are the most searched Girl Scout cookie of all time. We Americans love our Thin Mints!
What is the best Girl Scout Cookie?
Tagalongs/Peanut Butter Patties The Tagalong is not just the best Girl Scout Cookie—it might be the best cookie ever made. Think about what goes into a Tagalong: you've got a crispy cookie layer, a fluffy cookie layer, a peanut butter layer, and then all of that is covered in chocolate.
Are Girl Scout Cookies cash only?
Yes, your troop can opt to accept credit cards at your booth sales! By using a credit card processor your troop can eliminate this sales obstacle AND girls get another opportunity to build skills in money management, business ethics, and technology.
What happens to unsold Girl Scout Cookies?
The bakers can't sell directly to grocers because that might diminish the importance of the annual cookie sales. But they may sell to institutional buyers like prisons. Parisi said bakers and councils have occasionally dealt with excess inventory before because of weather events like ice storms or tornadoes.
How many Thin Mints are in a sleeve?
Thin Mints (thin chocolate-peppermint cookie coated in chocolate) - 32 cookies* in a 10-ounce box. Trefoils - a.k.a. Shortbread - (a shortbread cookie) - 44 cookies* per 10 ounce box. * All cookie counts and package sizes are approximate.
About Cookies
Get a big taste of adventure and see how you can help Girl Scouts achieve their dreams.
Buy Cookies
Find a booth or use Digital Cookie® to order your cookies online from a Girl Scout.
Cookie Flavors
Check out all the delicious cookie varieties and get nutritional information.
Taste the Adventure
Indulgent brownie-inspired cookies with caramel-flavored crème and a hint of sea salt will take you on a delicious adventure.
Tools for Cookie Sellers
Use these handy resources to take your Girl Scout Cookie business to the next level.
Girl Scout Cookie History
See how cookies have fueled amazing experiences for girls for more than a century.
Do you need to do math to order cookies?
But wait! There's no need for you to do all that math. Just go to the Order Card, make your cookie selections, and we'll calculate the shipping for you!
Can Girl Scout cookies be delivered in person?
When the Girl Scout has your order ready and can be sure of her safety and yours, you'll be contacted to arrange your free delivery.
Can you ship Girl Scout cookies?
Need your delicious Girl Scout Cookies in a flash? Use the Shipping option to get them to your door — yum! Plus shipping your cookie allows you to support Girl Scouts around the country, not just locally. Four package minimum order, please!
About Cookies
Get a big taste of adventure and see how you can help Girl Scouts achieve their dreams.
Cookie Flavors
Check out all the delicious cookie varieties and get nutritional information.
Cookie History
See how cookies have fueled amazing experiences for girls for more than a century.
What is Girl Scout Cookie Program?
Since 1917, the Girl Scout Cookie Program has been the largest girl-led business in the country. When you buy Girl Scout Cookies, you make adventures and experiences of a lifetime possible with every box.
What are the key life skills that Girl Scouts develop?
When Girl Scouts participate in the Cookie Program, they also develop five key life skills that help set them up for success: Goal Setting, Decision Making, Money Management, People Skills, and Business Ethics.