What schools are in Glenwood Community School District?
Glenwood Links Glenwood Community School District Glenwood Community High School Glenwood Community Middle School Northeast Elementary West Elementary THRIVE Glenwood Rams Middle School Athletics x
Is there a toy drive at Glenwood Middle School?
Welcome to Glenwood Middle School! Toy Drive this Friday at GHS! Holiday Spirit Days at GMS! 1 like. Post not marked as liked Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday:
Why upgrade to a new school menu?
This upgrade to school menus benefits school health professionals and parents who can easily access nutritional information and make informed choices for their child’s nutrition. Download the Nutrislice mobile app for iOS or Android. The Howard County Public School System recently transitioned to a new online meal payment system, MySchoolBucks.com.

School Menus
HCPSS students and their families can now view menus and nutrition and allergen information for meals served in all HCPSS schools through Nutrislice, a website and free smartphone app.
The Howard County Public School System recently transitioned to a new online meal payment system, MySchoolBucks.com. This website allows families to easily manage student accounts and make payments online on personal computers and mobile devices.
For more information on the HCPSS wellness policy, and information on nutrition and allergens, please visit the Food Services site.
Accident Insurance
The school system does not carry medical insurance for accidents that occur at school, including non-sport related injuries, such as trips and falls, physical education injuries, and recess/playground injuries. Thus, parents are encouraged to enroll students in the accident insurance program offered through HCPSS.
Medical Insurance
The Maryland Children’s Health Insurance Program (MCHIP) is available for families, pregnant women, and children in need of medical insurance. Applications are available through the school health assistant or by contacting the Howard County Health Department at 410-313-7500.
Essential Applications
HCPSS Connect Access your student’s information and classroom instructional tools
Get Involved
Parent Volunteer Information Complete a brief training before volunteering with us