HARDIN COUNTY SCHOOLS - ELEMENTARY LUNCH MENU February 2021 Peanut Butter & Jelly Uncrustable Mini Tiger Paw Pak and Chef or Entree Salad offered everyday as an entrée choice. 1 2 3 4 5 Breaded Chicken Sandwich Lettuce, Tomato, and Pickle Tater Tots Seasoned Green Beans Sliced Peaches Orange Wedges Choice of Milk Doritos Taco
Full Answer
What is CEP in Hardin County Schools?
Under CEP, all students attending school in the Hardin County school system are offered a nutritious breakfast and lunch meal each school day at no cost, regardless of a student’s eligibility status.
What's new at East Hardin Middle School?
The new East Hardin Middle School is open to students. The Girls, Inc. event gave middle school students an opportunity to visit with community leaders. New Highland Elementary students put on their lab jackets for a science experiment.
What makes a “school lunch?
What Makes a Lunch? For a student’s lunch meal to count as a “School Lunch” they must select at least 3 different food components. They can always take all 5 of the components if they choose to. Some grain or grain/meat combinations may be a single item but will count as 2 items, i.e.: breakfast pizza, sausage and biscuit, etc.
When did the school lunch program start in Tennessee?
This program, first implemented during the 2014-2015 school year, is an option for select schools in Tennessee that participate in the federally-funded National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs.
What is summer food service?
The Summer Food Service Program provides free, nutritious meals to help children 18-and-under get the nutrition they need to learn, play and grow throughout the summer months.
Why are snacks important in after school?
After-school snacks help ensure that children receive the nutrition they need to learn, play and grow. Organized, structured and supervised programs that provide snacks allow children to think better and help them make the grade!