What is the National School Lunch Program?
The School Nutrition Department operates the National School Lunch Program, which is a USDA program aimed at providing healthy, affordable lunches to school students. A hungry child cannot learn!
What can schools serve outside of meal program?
Truth: All schools have strict guidelines as to what they can serve outside of the meal program. This means their chips are baked, ice cream is reduced sugar or fat, and portion sizes are age-appropriate. Additionally, healthy items, such as reduced-fat cheese, whole grain graham crackers, raisins, fresh fruits, and vegetables are available to purchase a la carte.
What are the key messages of the Dietary Guidelines?
Some of the key messages in the Dietary Guidelines include incorporating whole grains, choosing fat-free or low-fat milk, keeping saturated fat and sodium below limits, and consuming a variety of vegetables, all of which schools are requiredto do (2,3).
What are the guidelines for school meals?
Truth: School meals follow the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. Some of the key messages in the Dietary Guidelines include incorporating whole grains, choosing fat-free or low-fat milk, keeping saturated fat and sodium below limits, and consuming a variety of vegetables, all of which schools are required to do (2,3).
How to contact USDA for disability?
Individuals who are deaf, hard of hearing or have speech disabilities may contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339. Additionally, program information may be made available in languages other than English.
How many food groups are in a school meal?
School meals are constructed with similar principles to the MyPlate method, where every student has the opportunity to choose a meal that contains all 5 food groups in appropriate portions (2).
How much fruit do schools have to offer?
Truth: For fruit, schools are required to offer 1/2 cup to K-8 grade students and 1 cup to 9-12 grade students (2). For students aged 9-13, that accounts for 1/3 of their daily requirement! (4)
What is school nutrition?
The School Nutrition Program provides equal access to a nutritious meal for all students. These meals are prepared by employees governed by standards developed by federal, state, and local agencies. This department oversees the free and reduced meal program, after school snacks, and the Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program.
How to contact USDA for disability?
Individuals who are deaf, hard of hearing or have speech disabilities may contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339. Additionally, program information may be made available in languages other than English.
What is a cafeteria?
The cafeteria is a place for students to enjoy their friends as they eat a nourishing meal. The general rules of good manners are expected to be practiced in the lunchroom. Simple rules of courteous behavior to make lunch a pleasant part of the day are as follows:
What time does breakfast start at a school?
BREAKFAST: Breakfast starts at 8:00 AM. Serving continues until 8:25. This gives those students who choose to eat in the cafeteria the opportunity to complete their meals before class begins. Students who arrive in cars must be here by 8:15 to eat breakfast. Students will not be excused for tardies because they were eating breakfast. Breakfast prices are as follows: