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by Lon Jakubowski Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

What to do with zucchini noodles?

After you create noodles with the vitamin C-rich veggie, toss 'em in a sauté pan with some olive oil and let them get a bit soft. Then, add in the pesto, chicken, and tomatoes. After you've plated your meal, top with pine nuts.

What to do with quinoa after it cools?

After the quinoa has cooled a bit, add it to a bed of spinach, along with the nuts, fruit, goat cheese, and dressing. We love this lazy dinner recipe because it's easy to pull together and serves up a host of antioxidants and a source of complete protein. Not to mention, it's 100% Instagram-worthy.

2. When you go somewhere with your mom, they never treat you like an adult

When a question is asked in public, they automatically turn to my mom for an answer. I was at a nail salon and they asked her all of the questions about my manicure. My mom said, “you know, she’s actually 19.” Embarrassed, they proceeded to apologize and I told them I get it all the time.

6. College tours

When I’d bring my older sister (who also looks young for her age) on a college tour, everyone would assume the tour was for her. They would hand her the papers and she’d hand them over to me. “No I’m not just the little sister on the tour. I might come here next year!”

7. Driving

When I first started driving, I was so paranoid that I would get pulled over because they thought I was too young to be driving. Luckily this never happened, but I’ve definitely gotten some weird looks at intersections.

8. Babysitting

Taking the kids you babysit out of the house is a struggle in itself. However, it doesn’t help when you look like their oldest sibling and not their caretaker. When you pull up in their family’s minivan, you feel the judgment as you pull the kids out of their car seats. I AM A RESPONSIBLE ADULT, PEOPLE.

9. When someone swears and apologizes

I find it hilarious when people apologize for swearing because they think I’m a kid. Their look of shock when they realize that I’m in the room is nothing short of priceless. Don’t worry guys, I’ve heard them all before. I’m actually in college.

How to make Internet Explorer my default browser?

To make IE the default browser: Start button> Settings> System> left side menu, select Default Apps then select Set Defaults by App. Select Internet Explorer. More:

How to pin Internet Explorer to taskbar?

Type Internet Explorer into the search box at the bottom of the screen. Find Internet Explorer in the list of results, right-click it to either Pin to taskbar or Pin to Start.

How to use IE11 instead of Edge?

If you are using Edge and want to use IE11, click on the 3 dots at the upper right corner and select Open with Internet Explorer.

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5 Takeout Food Orders That Increase Happiness

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