Indeed Featured review
A typical work day would be a full restaurant running off of 3 servers. management was helpful for the most part but did pick favorites. hardest part about the job was to carry hot plates.
Good money
Loved this job worked for IHOP since 2013 as a server, have never made better money anywhere else I've worked. Great company good team same issues any restaurant can have but overall a good place to work.
This place has a rude management that cusses you and berates you in front of customers
I was one of the hardest working ones they had and I learned they don’t care. You get cussed at and yelled at for making a small mistake. Never go here!
Not good
Management treats you bad. Money is no good. They make you carry the plates that are super hot with your hands and arms. No trays. Waiters pick and choose what tables they will take. Just no order at all. And that's why the turn around rate is so high.
No structure, Drama filled
So much drama it's crazy. Even tho we are going through crazy unforseen times the management is to emotional and either fire new hires or take away hours all because of mistakes and the occasional call out (even with doctors note).
Supportive Managers
The managers are all wonderful. All three of them are supportive and willing to help you out and answer any questions.
Very fun and enjoyable
Is a good place to have a part time job at, flexible with schedules. The management is alright not completely the best but the work in order to accommodate your schedule
Very welcoming
Working mornings I have the best coworkers and family, working nights is absolutely horrible due to poor management. I get paid almost 20$ a night to get yelled at every night
Managers are extremely flexible with availability . Co workers are great. Everyone gets along
Atmosphere is very relaxed . Managers will always try to find a way to allow you to have off if you’re not feeling well . The only job I’ve had that I don’t feel miserable working at
High stress work environment without a lot of support for dealing with it
It's a very 'only the strong survive' type of environment. Respect is to be earned everywhere, but here it needs to be fought tooth and nail for. There is no way to establish mutual respect with older employees and management refuses to see any problem with the current situation.
Fun workplace if you get good coworkers
Would have been a really great job if not for the manager that they hired. She was not capable of doing basic tasks, and chose to blame servers instead of learning. Not the worst first job.
Very busy but easy to work
Great communication to greet your customers! Able move move fast ! Take good orders and clean your area . Too much movement and also have to deal with angry customers
borderline cult
worst job. room for growth only if you’re willing to be a victim to labor and break time theft. management will give servers a time limit on extreme side work and then demand you clock out to finish if you go over the time. management is a group of people competing to see who can do the least work and be in the their stores the least.
Job is a chill friendly environment and they teach you everything you need to know
Job is a chill friendly environment and they teach you everything you need to know. The place can’t be very busy but not stressful if you can handle situations
Indeed Featured review
It's a great restaurant to work at when you're in high school. Money for you to spend on and have fun. Pays well when you're an awesome server. Everyone's super nice and will get along with each other.
Good work environment
It is a good starting job, you learn what’s needed and get to advance quickly. Only bad review is because of short staffing cant take a lot of time off
The Manager is great, she is very well organized. She sets you up for success
Great work crew. Decent Work Hours. Fast Pace. I love the work shift flexibility. You get one 1/2 price meal during your work shift. Weekly pay. Make sure you have good walking shoes because your whole shift consist of standing and walking.
Meh at best. It's a start
This was my first serving job. It's a cheap diner chain so expect cheap customers, tips, and treatment (from staff included) and you're not allowed to take vacations on holidays (including Thanksgiving and Christmas).
No benefits, no breaks, micromanaging, refuses to hire minors because of labor laws, expected to do the morning crew's side work if you work nights.
Very busy but tips are good
Lots of workers that have been there for a long time, they know little tricks and turns to get away with some shady stuff, but in general, it is a fair environment of work, where the effort you put into the tables its rewarded by the people with kind gestures and of course good tips.
Fun first place to work
First we get the store prepared for the breakast rush by making coffee and making sure our tables have enough sugars and syrups. We all have a particular special that we introduce to our customers during our introduction. We serve each customer and do our sidework before our shift ends.