How do I contact Ithaca College's dining department?
Ithaca College Ithaca, New York 14850. Office Hours: Monday–Friday, 8:30am to 5pm. Follow us: @icdelish on Twitter and Instagram. dine@ithaca.edu (607) 274-1187.
How do I order Grubhub on the Ithaca campus?
Pre-order and pick up your grub at campus retail dining locations Download the Ithaca campus Grubhub app to access all retail menus. It's easy, fast, and you can order grub in advance!
How can I contact dine at ITACA?
Please email dine@ithaca.edu if you have any questions or comments on how we might make this information more useful for you.
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Resident Meal Plan - Fall 2021
Students who live off-campus or students moving to a Gardens or Circles Apartment have the option to select either the Fall 2021 Unlimited Meal Plan and $230 Bomber Bucks/per semester or the Commuter Plan, which includes 5 meals per week and $400 Bomber Bucks/per semester.
Commuter & On-Campus Apartment Meal Plan
The 5 Meal Plan is the perfect plan for any student living off-campus or in the Circles or Gardens Apartments. It allows students the flexibility of using 5 dining hall swipes per week, while easily accessing Bomber Bucks to use at retail dining locations on campus.
Kosher Korner at Terrace and Campus Center Dining Hall
Kosher meals are available for lunch and dinner at Terrace and Campus Center Dining Halls.
Express Café (Meal Swipe)
The Express Cafe serves both breakfast and lunch items. Located in Campus Center across from the Information Desk, pick up a quick, nutritious meal and go!
Swipe In at Towers Marketplace
Thursday—Sunday Dinner & Late Night 5 pm—10 pm (Limited Meal Swipe Menu Available During Business Hours)
Towers Marketplace
Thursday—Sunday Dinner & Late Night / 5 pm—10 pm (Limited Meal Swipe Menu Available During Business Hours)
Grubhub! Pre-order and pick up your grub at campus retail dining locations
Download the Ithaca campus Grubhub app to access all retail menus. It's easy, fast, and you can order grub in advance! Ithaca Bakery, IC Food Court, Chick-N-Bap, Library Cafe, Park Cafe, and Towers Marketplace menus are accessible via the app.