Q) Does Jamaican Jerk King (206 E 35th St) deliver?
Yes, Jamaican Jerk King (206 E 35th St) delivery is available on Seamless.
Q) Does Jamaican Jerk King (206 E 35th St) offer contact-free delivery?
Yes, Jamaican Jerk King (206 E 35th St) provides contact-free delivery with Seamless.
Q) Is Jamaican Jerk King (206 E 35th St) eligible for Seamless+ free delivery?
Yes, Seamless offers free delivery for Jamaican Jerk King (206 E 35th St) with a Seamless+ membership.
ORDER ONLINE Try one of our customer favourites - jerk chicken or curry goat (served with rice and peas). Add a side order of creamy coleslaw to make it complete. Our roti and jerk wraps are also crowd pleasers.
For more information on the Jerk King brand and investment opportunities, click HERE.