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by Mrs. Shaniya Daugherty DVM Published 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago

What do you like about Jarritos?

and juiciness of pineapple. Made with tropical awesomeness. and 100% real sugar is nicer. It’s like Valentine’s Day, everyday. turned into the most delicious soda. of deliciousness. cool and smiling any time of the year. Mexican Caribbean. In 1950, Don Francisco “El Güero” Hill founded Jarritos.

What is the original Jarritos flavor?

The original Jarritos flavor was coffee. Yeah, we know, most people like their coffee hot and not carbonated. So our founder gave fruitier fruits a try, and Mandarin was born. Other flavors soon followed, like Tamarind, Lime and Fruit Punch.

Who is the founder of Jarritos?

In 1950, Don Francisco “El Güero” Hill founded Jarritos. He was an accomplished chemist and tinkerer who always left his beakers and journals all over the house, especially the dining room. The original Jarritos flavor was coffee.

How many Jarritos are in a mile?

Laid end to end, they would measure 7.1 miles long, which is the same as 18,744 tamales! As Jarritos has grown over the years, we’ve always sourced as much fruit as possible from different Mexican regions.


What was the original Jarritos flavor?

The original Jarritos flavor was coffee. Yeah, we know, most people like their coffee hot and not carbonated. So our founder gave fruitier fruits a try, and Mandarin was born. Other flavors soon followed, like Tamarind, Lime and Fruit Punch.

What is the name of the soft drink that was sold in Mexico in 1960?

By 1960, it was being bottled and sold in 80% of Mexican states—making Jarritos the best-selling, naturally flavored soft drink brand in the country. LITTLE JUGS. The name “Jarritos” might mean “goat shoes” in German, but it also means “little jugs” in Español.

What color are Jarritos?

The Jarritos logo has the colors of our most popular flavors, Mandarin and Lime, which are very similar to the colors of the original clay pots, which were naturally brown on the bottom and glazed green on the top.

Where are Jarritos made?

Jarritos sodas consumed throughout the world are all produced in Mexico and made with cane sugar. Only real sugar guarantees the authentic Jarritos taste that families have loved for generations.

What is the most delicious soda?

Probably the most delicious fruit of all, turned into the most delicious soda. Mango, 100% real sugar and a lot. of deliciousness. The iconic fruit flavor of summer, now in a bottle, will keep you refreshed, cool and smiling any time of the year. The exotic flavor of this yellow fruit.

When is Jarritos' anniversary?

The official anniversary of Jarritos is August 29th. On that day, we ask you to raise your favorite flavor of Jarritos in honor of our founder, Don Francisco “El Güero” Hill. While you’re at it, raise one on all the other days, too. Jarritos was born in 1950.

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