Where is Jeanjean Royce dining hall located?
Jean Royce Dining Hall is located in Duncan McArthur Hall. The dining hall seats approximately 200 guests. Monday to Friday features all-you-care-to-eat service with a wide variety of entrees, soups, salads, beverages, and desserts.
Is there a cafeteria in Jean Royce?
There's a cafeteria phase 1 of Jean Royce that often stays open to 11pm, so on some days you basically don't even need to leave (do not underestimate how handy this is when it gets to -20*C outside). i’m in douglas house on west too!!
Is it worth going to Jean Royce for Science?
If your science timetable starts with lectures in west like mine did, you might find being on west will be worth it. There's a cafeteria phase 1 of Jean Royce that often stays open to 11pm, so on some days you basically don't even need to leave (do not underestimate how handy this is when it gets to -20*C outside).

Select dining hall
We are please to share that full seating will be restored in all three dining halls and open retail outlets by Monday, February 21, 2022. Seating is available for fully vaccinated, and non-symptomatic customers only.
Online Ordering
Once full seating is returned, online ordering from the dining halls will be discontinued for general use, however, the system will remain available for those required to isolate, identified as close contacts or for those that are symptomatic.
What to wear??
I know this is a silly question but I'm in 2nd year and I've never been to Campus so I don't know what people wear to lectures. Is it super casual like sweatpants? business Casual? Are dresses, shorts, shoulders or crop tops frowned upon? What is the "dress code" most students abide by?
Difference between open enrollment (Aug 30) vs lifting enrollment restrictions (Aug 18) ???
I heard both of these terms thrown around, and don't know what the difference is. My understanding is that on Aug 18, courses reserved for certain programs will be unreserved, and people from other programs can enroll in it. But if thats the case, then what happens on august 30?
Serious question
I know you don’t ask to go to the bathroom in a lecture.. but do you ask in a tutorial?😭
I know this is kind of a dumb question lol but what backpacks do students use. Totes? Messenger bags? Regular backpacks? Any specific brand? Any recommendations?