Does La Belle Epoque Wine Bistro offer delivery through OpenTable or takeout?
La Belle Epoque Wine Bistro offers takeout which you can order by calling the restaurant at (610) 566-6808.
How is La Belle Epoque Wine Bistro restaurant rated?
La Belle Epoque Wine Bistro is rated 4.8 stars by 907 OpenTable diners.
Is La Belle Epoque Wine Bistro currently accepting reservations?
Yes, you can generally book this restaurant by choosing the date, time and party size on OpenTable.
How to order takeout at La Belle Epoque?
La Belle Epoque Wine Bistro offers takeout which you can order by calling the restaurant at (610) 566-6808.
Where is the French restaurant Mainline?
We are an authentic French Restaurant serving lunch, dinner and weekend brunch located in downtown Media, PA. For over ten years customers have been returning to Mainline Magazine's "Best French Restaurant" for excellent food, service and wine. Make sure you try Mainline Magazine's "Best Mussels" - they are a must -
The latest dining destination, La Belle Epoque (which means the ‘golden age’ in French) opens its doors in the heart of Singapore’s vibrant dining belt, Boat Quay in February 2022.
Creative and passionate, Chef Firdauz Nasir, specialises in contemporary European cuisine using fresh ingredients seasoned with natural herbs.
COVID 19 Takeout Options
Thank you for your support during these hard times. We now offer online ordering for pickup and delivery as well as being available on GrubHub and DoorDash.
The Le Peep Experience
Le Peep is a marvelous world of generous servings and abundant flavors. Fresh. Simple. Elegant. Inviting. We deliver it all with smiles, good attitudes in a pleasant, warm atmosphere.
A wholesome perspective
We put the emphasis on people, both patrons and staff. We focus on enabling our staff to provide each of our guests the fresh food and friendly service that they have come to expect of us.