Lunch and Breakfast Program
Leon County Schools provides FREE breakfast and lunch for students that wish to participate. Weekly menus are published on the LCS website. KLES Cafeteria phone number: 850-922-0225.
Each grade level has a scheduled snack time. We encourage parents to send a small nutritious snack (raw vegetables, fresh fruit, dried fruit, nuts, popcorn, etc.) to be eaten during mid-morning or midafternoon. Candy, glass bottled drinks, soft drinks and gum are not to be sent to school for lunch or snack.
Lunch Bunch Program
Lunch Bunch is a terrific chance to spend time with your child at KLES. We want the time to be enjoyable and special. Please refer to the LUNCH BUNCH brochure for details of the program.
Welcome to Leon County Schools
The beautiful city of Tallahassee, Florida is home to the Leon County School District. Our district has 32,000 students, 2,400 teachers and a total of 4,300 employees. We are committed to providing a world class educational experience in a safe and positive environment.
No Cost COVID-19 Testing
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