Water 8oz $0.35Friday:Cereal Lunch: Assorted Cereals, Cheese Stick, Yogurt & Baked GoldfishLevittown School Lunch Please reference your child's name Monday-Doritos-Nacho $1.00and ID number on the check Tuesday-Cheese Puffs $1.00OR PAY ONLINE @ Wednesday- Doritos -Sweet Chili $1.00MySchoolBucks Thursday- Lays Baked Potato Chips $1.00
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Summit Lane Teachers Host Drive-Through Toy Drive
Teachers at Summit Lane Elementary School in the Levittown Public School District hosted a toy collection drive-through on Dec. 14.
Summit Lane Staff and Students Show Appreciation For The PTA
These cards were created by the Summit Lane staff and students to show their appreciation for the PTA's generosity in donating a pumpkin to each student for Fall Spirit Day.