What is life kitchen?
Life Kitchen is a not-for-profit cookery school for people whose taste has been affected by cancer or cancer treatment. We also teach anyone who is experiencing an altered sense of taste due to Covid. Life Kitchen’s focus is on taste and flavour and helping people enjoy food again.
How long do Life Kitchen classes take to run?
Our classes are run by a Life Kitchen teacher and take around 1 hour and 30 minutes. During the classes we will teach you about our five principles of taste and flavour – for more information on this take a look at our science page.
What is life's kitchen doing for Valentine's Day 2022?
Life's Kitchen is offering Valentine's Chocolate Dipped Strawberries and Cookies for pre-order! The Sparkling Wine Spectacular will take place on Saturday, Feb 26 2022 at The Basque Center! Life’s Kitchen is a nonprofit social enterprise providing Opportunity Youth (aka at-risk youth) 16-24 years of age with wrap-around work and life skills.
What is life kitchen?
Life Kitchen is a not-for-profit cookery school for people whose taste has been affected by cancer or cancer treatment. We also teach anyone who is experiencing an altered sense of taste due to Covid. Life Kitchen’s focus is on taste and flavour and helping people enjoy food again.
Why did Kim and Ryan launch Life Kitchen?
Both Ryan and Kim were inspired to launch Life Kitchen after losing parents to cancer. Throughout Ryan’s mum Krista’s two-year battle with cancer, Ryan saw how chemotherapy was affecting her ability to taste and experience food.