luana's coffee menu

by Mrs. Rafaela Kautzer Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Luana's has history with the Anderson House

Schofield first learned to make coffee in the Anderson House when it was home to HobNob's Food and Spirits. He worked there for about a year, until he branched out to start his own coffee cart, Luana's Coffee Yard.

Building community despite COVID

After working so hard to build out the space, Luana's was open on McDowell Road for about a month before the COVID-19 pandemic hit, Schofield said.

Luana's loses its home on McDowell

Last fall, Schofield's landlord put the historic house on the market and before long, he received an offer. A company from California set out to buy the building and they wanted Luana's to stay, Schofield said.

What's next for Luana's

Moving is the last thing Schofield wanted to do, but the situation is bittersweet, he said. After a very accelerated search, he found a new spot to open.

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