Luva Bella
- Peppers & Oil $7.00 House marinated hot peppers, garlic, herbs, crostini's.
- Cheese Plate $13.00 Chef selection of cheeses with sopressata, toasted, and wheat crackers, garnished with grapes.
- Calamari Rings & Tentacles $12.00 Breaded and deep fried golden brown, served with marinara sauce or sautéed with olives, hot peppers, mama red sauce.
Full Answer
41188《猎场H5》电视剧官方正版H5强势来袭,原作情节完美还原!超自由模拟经营世界,让您体验店铺经营、融资并购、猎头招聘。高拟真的经济体系,完全模拟真实商战,制霸全球硝烟四起,身临其境体验真实的猎场! 41188《大天使之剑H5》改编自经典页游《大天使之剑》,拥有《奇迹MU》正版授权!是一款ARPG的H5游戏,画面炫酷,富有打击感。在《大天使之剑H5》中,华丽的装备和技能特效让人热血沸腾。场景建筑等背景特效非常逼真,画风上属于暗黑风格,光影特效也处理的非常好,充满奇迹的回忆。融入经典奇迹MU元素的同时我们再大胆创新,新增SLG竞技场,城池战,单人可同时操控5角色,前所未有的职业组合,新颖玩法让经典继续延续。
41188《修罗武神》以是“善良的蜜蜂”正版授权,这是一款东方玄幻与中国武侠元素完美结合的“上帝视角”RPG游戏,原汁还原小说剧情,讲述了一个被家族遗弃,被视为毫无血脉之力的少年为了证明自己,为了夺回父亲荣誉,解救母亲而从一个平凡的下界二等门派外门弟子成长为这世界顶天立地的人物的故事。 41188《大清皇朝之大梦英雄》的游戏类型为休闲策略类游戏,是一款集合点击放置、角色养成、策略对抗等复合类型游戏,这款游戏可以让玩家感受三种截然不同的体验。 1. 当皇帝—君临天下 唯我独尊 2. 真男人—三千佳丽 唯我独享 3. 拼儿子—培养皇嗣 争霸天下 游戏采用军队策略对抗的战斗模式。动动手指,就能让皇上您的军队无往不利,无需费心,皇上您就能指点江山。
Quality you can trust
L’uva Bella® has been dedicated to selling the highest quality grapes and juices since 2001. Products are sourced both locally and from across the globe, including California, Italy, and Chile. L’uva Bella juices are also available for bulk purchase.
Please read carefully as our procedures this year have changed to adapt to COVID-related supply chain and employment restraints. The health and safety of our staff and customers is our #1 priority. Please carefully read and obey the following pick-up procedures for this coming 2022 spring juice season. We look forward to seeing you soon!