Where is Madison middle school lunch menu located?
Middle School Lunch Menu High School Lunch Menu 211 Celtic Drive, Madison, AL 35758 Phone: 256.464.8370 Fax: 256.464.8291 Email: Webmaster-Overall@madisoncity.k12.al.us Site MapTop
Are there free meals at Madison schools?
The Madison City School System is excited to provide free meals to our students during the 2021-2022 School year. We will be operating under the Seamless Summer Option guidelines, which meet the same nutritional requirements as the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs.
What are the schools in Madison City Schools?
Liberty Middle School Madison Elementary School MCS First Class Pre-K Center Midtown Elementary School Mill Creek Elementary School Rainbow Elementary School The Academy Sign In Search Our Site Madison City Schools Dedicated to excellence in education Our District Superintendent Search
What is the Madison public schools food service program?
The Madison Public Schools is in need of Teacher and Food Service Substitutes. The Madison Public Schools is committed to offering a choice of healthy, nutritious, wholesome meals each school day.

How to select a meal period in a meal plan?
To select the meal period, select the breakfast tab or the lunch tab (look for green bar that has the current selection above it) To view a specific menu item, hover the mouse over the item (or tap if using a mobile device) to view the nutrition facts, allergens, and picture.
Is breakfast and lunch free in Madison?
Breakfast and lunch are available at all Madison schools. Qualifying students can eat breakfast and lunch for free or at a reduced rate. See the Financial Assistance section for more information. This institution is an equal opportunity provider. Menus are subject to change.
Can you decline a fruit at lunch?
All students in grades Pre-K through 12th grade shall be permitted to decline any one of the four items offered at breakfast; however, every student must select a fruit or fruit juice. Students may decline two of the five items offered at lunch; however, every student must select a fruit or a vegetable.
Does Madison City School have a lunch program?
The Madison City School System is proud to participate in the National School Lunch Program and School Breakfast Program. All City schools offer a complete breakfast and lunch meal each school day. Meals are planned by a Registered Dietitian and comply with standards set forth by the United States Department of Agriculture. The Madison City School Board encourages all students to support the school lunch program by purchasing a school-made meal each day. This site contains information designed to make this process simple and convenient.
My Payments Plus
Madison Public Schools uses a cashless system for food service. All students have been assigned a lunch account which can be managed online with MyPaymentsPlus. MyPaymentsPlus is the online payment program used by Madison Public Schools for school lunch accounts.
How do I find the nutritional information for the lunch meals?
Nutritional information for all meals served at each building can be found on the menu by clicking on each menu item.
Can my K-3 elementary school student buy snacks with their meal card?
No. Elementary students can only buy meals with their cards. Snacks are cash only and students are only offered the option to purchases a snack in the second half of the lunch period after meals have been served.
Are substitutions available if my child has a food allergy?
If a child has an allergy, as determined by a doctor, and the allergy prevents the child from eating the regular school meal, the school will make substitutions prescribed by the doctor. If a substitution is needed, there will be no extra charge for the meal. Please call the school for further information.
Is Madison on the National School Lunch program?
No. The Madison Public School District does not participate in the National School Lunch Program (NSLP). However, offerings at the K-3 elementary level are very similar to offerings under the NSLP with the exception of certain items such as pasta, pizza dough, and bread.
How many fruits and vegetables does my child get with their meal?
Fresh fruits and vegetables are offered at all schools at every meal. Students are also welcome to go back and get additional servings of fruits and vegetables.
Can I see what my child has purchased with their card?
Yes. Parents can log on to their My Payment Plus account to see details of what their student has been purchasing.