menu dieta hcg

by Araceli Volkman Jr. Published 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago

How to follow?

The original Hcg Diet includes a 500 calorie menu, or “VLCD” (very low calorie diet) as outlined by Dr. Simeons in his Manuscript, Pounds and Inches. This menu includes a very specific list of allowed foods, along with eating guidelines that are meant to be followed precisely.


These miscellaneous items can be added to your HCG meal plan throughout the diet: Apple Cider Vinegar. Stevia. Mustard powder. Salt, pepper, or any other natural spices. Braggs Amino Acids. Herbal Tea. Coffee.

What is the HCG diet?

HCG Approved Fruit. Many of the fruits we enjoy can contain high amounts of sugar, so although they are a part of a healthy daily diet, there are only a few fruits you can safely eat while on HCG phase 2, and even then you can only eat two servings a day. Grapefruit. Oranges. Apples. Lemons. Blueberries. Raspberries.

What can I add to my hCG meal plan?

If you think you can’t have desserts on the diet, think again. To satisfy chocolate cravings you can use cocoa powder, but it must be sugar free and all natural. Phase 2, or HCG P2 dessert recipes really rely on using the best cocoa powders, so be sure to read your ingredients carefully.

What fruits can you eat on hCG diet?

Can I have desserts on the HCG diet?


¿Qué es la dieta hCG?

Las siglas HCG significan gonadotropina coriónica humana (en inglés human chorionic gonadotropin), una hormona producida naturalmente durante el embarazo. La dieta HCG consiste en recortar drásticamente las calorías y recibir inyecciones o tomar suplementos de HCG, de acuerdo con la Clínica Mayo. Los defensores de esta dieta afirman que puede ayudarte a perder los kilogramos indeseados y a quemar grasa. Las críticas dicen que es probable que ganes el peso nuevamente en cuanto termines la dieta. A las personas bajo esta dieta se les permiten dos comidas por día con un total de 500 calorías.

¿Qué desayunas puedo tomar con la dieta hCG?

Los desayunos en la dieta HCG generalmente no están permitidos. Tienes permitido tomar una taza de té o café siempre y cuando no le agregues azúcar (pero sí se permite un sustituto de azúcar como Stevia). También te permiten un chorrito de leche pero ten en cuenta que estás limitado a 1 cucharada en un período de 24 horas.

¿Que no se puede comer en la dieta hCG?

Las galletas, dulces, pastel, donas, pudín, tartas, helado, jarabe de arce, cereales de desayuno y otras comidas azucaradas no están permitidas en la dieta HCG. Los alimentos con almidón como la pasta, pan, bagel, galletas, molletes, pretzels, patatas y panqueques también están fuera del límite de los que están bajo esta dieta.

¿Qué hormonas provocan quistes en los ovarios?

La HCG causa fluctuaciones en los niveles de estrógeno y progesterona los cuales pueden potencialmente conducir a los quistes de ovarios, advierte el sitio web

How many calories are in the HCG diet?

The original Hcg Diet includes a 500 calorie menu, or “VLCD” (very low calorie diet) as outlined by Dr. Simeons in his Manuscript, Pounds and Inches. This menu includes a very specific list of allowed foods, along with eating guidelines that are meant to be followed precisely.

Is the diet book available in PDF?

We have the diet, along with the entire manuscript available in PDF and Audiobook. You can get this by subscribing to our monthly newsletter on the homepage, or by visiting the pounds and inches page here.

Is cottage cheese allowed on the HCG diet?

Is Cottage cheese allowed on the Hcg Diet? Cottage cheese is permitted on the list of approved Hcg foods, again as an exchange for 1 protein serving. Full fat cottage cheese is not permitted. Only non fat cottage cheese is allowed.

Can you mix HCG diet days?

Choosing to go with a higher calorie Hcg Diet protocol is always an option, however it is not advised to mix the days during the protocol . Largely for psychological strain, it is better to have a plan and stick to that plan for the duration of a round (unless extreme circumstances intervene.)

Can you drink coffee on the HCG diet?

There is no limit as to how much tea and coffee that can be drank on the diet, however it is important to avoid all sugars, and limit sweeteners as much as possible. Sweeteners have been shown to have effects on the body’s hormone system and while they may not have an effect in small amounts, studies show larger intake of artificial sweeteners can wreak havoc on the metabolism as well as cause stalls during Phase 2 of the Hcg Diet. One particular sweetener to avoid is aspartame. Take care to read labels on beverages that may have these listed in their ingredients.

Can I eat eggs on the HCG diet?

Can I have eggs on the Hcg diet? Yes, eggs are allowed on the original 500 calorie menu of the Hcg Diet plan. Eggs can be boiled, poached or raw, according to the original protocol, and counts as 1 protein serving. Modern variations of the diet allow eggs cooked in any form, as long as they are not prepared with butter or oils. In addition, it is advised to stick with egg whites, over the whole egg whenever possible.

What is the HCG diet protocol?

Part of what gives the HCG Diet its miraculous fat-burning power is the HCG Diet protocol, a specific lists of approved foods developed by Dr. Simeon. Here is a list of guidelines to follow when you’re on Phase 2 of the HCG diet.

When was the HCG diet invented?

He created a list of approved foods, and the HCG Diet was born. The HCG Diet has come a long way since Dr. Simeons’ discovery in the 1950’s. After spending decades being tested and refined, the HCG Diet is ready for the public. The result is nothing less than miraculous.

What is HCG Triumph?

HCG Triumph is the leader in HCG Diet Drops and support products. To help you find success on the diet we have made this detailed recipe guide with over 150 HCG phase 2 approved recipes. You can find all the recipes below or you can enter your email and get a printable recipe book.

What happens if you don't lose weight on HCG?

Most people will eventually hit a plateau while on the HCG diet (a plateau is a period of several days where you don’t lose any weight—an interruption of your normal weight loss). These weight loss interruptions happen for a variety of reasons.

How long does it take for HCG to pass out of your system?

It will take up to three days for the HCG to pass out of your system.

How many phases are there in the HCG diet?

Part of the miracle of the HCG Diet is how simple it is. The entire diet can be divided into three simple phases.

What is the maintenance phase of HCG?

The purpose of the maintenance phase is to train your body to remain at its new weight and prepare for the reintroduction of starches into your diet.

How long does it take to get 500 calories on HCG?

The HCG sample 500 calorie diet takes a period of 40 days where you are required to be strictly on a 500 calories diet at all times. During this time, a lot of people are expected to reach their weight loss goals since their bodies are at a caloric deficit and therefore use the fat stores as energy sources. However, in the HCG diet, if you do not manage to attain your goals, you are advised to repeat the diet for another 40 days. However, you should repeat the diet after a period of 6 weeks where you make sure you are not on any diet. This is because the sample 500 calorie diet can be harmful to your health if done for a very long period of time.

What is the best 500 calorie diet?

One of the most popular sample 500 calorie diets is the HCG diet. This diet has proven to be very successful for a lot of people. In the HCG diet , there is a phase where the individual is required to maintain a 5oo calorie diet. The diet includes very strict rules on the types of food the individual should eat. For breakfast, you are required to limit it to coffee or tea. Lunch and dinner contain a 100g serving of meat and some vegetables. The type of vegetables you get to eat are also restricted to those that do not contain a lot of calories such as cabbage and spinach. The same case applies to fruits; you can only eat low calorie fruits such as oranges and strawberries.

How to keep your calorie count?

Eat a large, satisfying dinner full of lean protein. It will keep you going until next day and help minimize cravings and snacking. Remember to count and record each snack. Dr. Emma to keep those under 100 calories to stay on track with your daily calorie count.

Do you need a medical supervisor for a 1200 calorie diet?

With this type of diet, it is not necessary to have a medical supervisor but it is recommendable. The sample 1200 calorie diet requires you to know the amount of calories contained in each food you consume during the day.

How many calories are in a HCG diet?

The HCG diet, as written by Dr. Simeon in the 1950s, has dieters on a very specific diet, and only consuming 500 calories per day. On average, most of your meals will be almost 500 calories, so it’s hard to imagine only eating a quarter of your normal calories per day, but that’s what makes the HCG diet so different.

What are the snacks on the HCG diet?

Snacks List. When it comes to snacks, this is where the 800 calorie version of the HCG diet goes into a much different direction. Many people are drawn to the idea of being able to satisfy sweet tooth cravings, and not worrying about cheating while on the diet. Low carb toast and wraps. 2 low fat cookies.

Why was the HCG diet created?

Why Was This Diet Created? Originally the HCG diet was created for overweight individuals who had trouble losing weight, most notably women who had trouble losing their so-called baby weight.

What do you eat for lunch?

For lunch and dinner you must eat one protein, a vegetable, and a fruit.

Is 800 calories HCG good?

While the sample 800 calorie HCG diet menu may seem much better for your lifestyle, and it can be, you must be much more aware of the sugar, carbohydrate, and fat content of all of the food you eat each day. Being able to enjoy a chocolate snack can seem like a great way to end a stressful day, but if you don’t pay enough attention to ...

The 'Budget' Sample HCG Diet Menu

For this you will need: Fresh foods from the grocery store, 1 box of grissini breadsticks, 2 bottles of Simple Girl salad dressing, and 1 box of stevia powdered packets.

The 'Spruced Up' Sample HCG Diet Menu

For this you will need: Fresh foods from the grocery store, 1 box of Grissini Breadsticks, stevia powdered packets.

How to start HCG diet?

The first step of the HCG diet is to meet with a physician and start to discuss the process of introducing the HCG hormone to the body. When a patient first comes in, a general history will be taken, including questions about when the first signs of excess weight or obesity seemed to occur. Doctors will also look to record the highest weight that the patient has been at in their life and if they have tried any previous dieting or nutritional programs. Simeons observed that patients who had been taking thyroid preparations, on average see less weight lost while on the HCG diet after prolonged use. Other questions the doctors may ask include: Do you suffer from headaches? Rheumatic pains? Menstrual disorders? Constipation? Breathlessness or exertion? Swollen ankles? Do you consider yourself greedy? Do you feel the need to eat snacks between meals? Once all questions are asked by the doctor, the patient strips down and is weighed and measured to attain a starting weight. Statistical averages and charts are consulted to find out the normal weight and height for someone of their stature and age. From this consultation, the “degree of overweight” is then calculated, so the duration of treatment can be decided on. This is roughly based on an average weight loss of one pound per day. Simeons also notes that regardless of sex, age and degree of overweight, the 300-400 grams-per injection, per day is relatively consistent across all sizes and demographics.

What is the most important thing to follow when joining the HCG diet?

The most important thing, is to follow a physician’s instructions when thinking about joining the HCG diet. While developing the HCG diet, Dr. Simeons was examining the diencephalon, a part of the brain and central nervous system that controls most automatic animal functions of the body, including breathing, heartbeat, digestion, sleep, ...

How long does it take for HCG to break down?

Simeons states that it is relatively unknown why this might occur, but the breakdown of HCG in the body might occur faster, with less overall effects. After the 40 days of treatment, Simeons observed that it takes around six weeks for this immunity to resolve itself and the HCG hormone can become effective again.

What is phase 2 of HCG?

Phase 2: Part of HCG diet in which the 500 calorie plan is followed and drops have begun. Phase 3: Part of HCG diet following phase 2, where caloric intake is increased, while still avoiding sugars and starches.

How long does it take to lose weight with HCG?

The 3 days where there are no injections, is due to the extra 3 days in which the 500-calorie diet should be followed after treatment. More information about this post-injection phase will be discussed later. It is important to note that there is no treatment lasting less than 26 days for patients who only want to lose a few pounds. Simeons states that the diencephalon needs at least 3 weeks of treatment in order to make a difference, and anything less will yield little results. Something else to keep in mind is the careful planning of the treatment, and the fact that an early stop in HCG hormone drops can lead to weight being put back on right away. When patients have gotten rid of their abnormal fat, they will soon feel hungry without continued drops. This is due to the fact that abnormal fat is the only thing being put into circulation, with normal fat deposits remaining untouched. If patients reach a normal weight faster than the 26 days, they are given a diet of 800 – 1000 calories for the rest of treatment. This ensures that their weight remains constant throughout the remaining days on the HCG hormone. These early cases of weight loss are rare, and are mostly seen among film actresses and models who generally weigh less than normal. However, as Simeons puts it, “we undertake to cure a disorder, not to create a new one.” The HCG method is self limiting and becomes completely ineffective when all abnormal fat stores are used up.

What is the loading phase of HCG?

Loading Phase, Phase 1, Phase 2 Phase 3. Overall, there are three official phases of the HCG diet laid out by Dr. Simeon. The first being the loading phase or phase 1 of the HCG diet. This is when patients are asked to consume heavy, dense, high fat and high calorie foods for a few days.

How long do you eat apples on HCG?

Apple Day: Common practice to break a stall in the HCG Diet, in which patients eat only apples for 24 hours. See section on “Interruptions to Losing Weight.”

¿Cuáles son las fases de la dieta hCG?

Simeons dividió la dieta HCG en cuatro fases distintas: fase de cargamento, fase 2, fase de transición y fase de estabilización del peso.

¿Cuánto tiempo dura la dieta hCG?

La primera etapa de la dieta HCG dura dos días y empieza con la aplicación de la hormona y el pesaje inicial. En estas 48 horas, tomarás la hormona por dos veces, pero no harás dieta restrictiva.

¿Qué es la dieta HCG y para qué sirve?

Desarrollada hace casi 60 años, la dieta HCG es un plan para adelgazar que incluye el consumo de pocas calorías – más específicamente 500 al día – y la aplicación de una inyección diaria conteniendo gonadotropina coriónica humana (HCG), una hormona producida naturalmente por la placenta durante la gestación.

¿Qué hace el hCG en el embarazo?

Se puede decir que el HCG sirve como estabilizador del ambiente para que el cuerpo lúteo (estructura que ayuda el desarrollo fetal) permanezca en el ovario en los seis primeros meses de embarazo y continúe produciendo progesterona.

¿Cuál es el valor normal de hCG en la gestación?

Si habitualmente el cuerpo contiene hasta 5mUI/mL de HCG en la circulación, en la gestación ese valor puede ir a más de 300.000 mUI/mL.

¿Cuántas calorías se pueden perder con la dieta de engorde?

Continúa con la aplicación de la hormona, pero reduce tu ingesta calórica a 500 kcal al día y continúa así hasta conquistar el peso deseado o alcanzar el límite de 40 días de dieta.

¿Qué comer en los primeros días de la dieta hCG?

En los dos primeros días de la dieta HCG para adelgazar, debes consumir alimentos calóricos y con alto contenido de grasa. Ejemplo: quesos amarillos, carne roja, salmón, aceite de coco, queso crema, maní y aceite de oliva.

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