menu pick up line

by Dr. Quinn Wintheiser DVM Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Top 41 Menu Pick Up lines

  • Do you know what's on the menu? ...
  • Are you the new item on the McDonald's menu? ...
  • Do you wanna got to a restaurant? ...
  • What’s better than a McDonalds menu Me ‘N U
  • Hey girl, what's on the menu? ...
  • You can't spell menu You can't spell menu without me n u so wassap baby
  • Hey you know what my favorite thing on the menu is? ...
  • Are you a Menu? ...

More items...

Full Answer

What is a pick-up line?

It's an Extension of Yourself Saying a pick-up line and then standing there waiting for a reaction is not how you use to pick up lines. You have to follow up with other witty things, so be sure to choose a pick-up line that you can elaborate on and keep her engaged in the conversation.

What are some good pick up lines for food?

253 Food Pick Up Lines Food Pick Up Lines Do you like BBQs, cause I'm gonna slap m ... BBQ You look so good, I could put you on a p ... Biscuit If it's true that we are what we eat, I ... Breakfast I wanna butter your toast and eat you fo ... Breakfast 25 more rows ...

What is a cheesy pickup line?

Cheesy pickup lines are the bread and butter for the game of any person that has very little game to speak of. It’s a typical Saturday night at a popular neighborhood watering hole and the walls are lined with questionable suitors eyeing the singles at the bar.

Do you have the right pickup line delivery?

These cringy pickup lines can fail spectacularly if you don't have the right delivery. And even if you do have the right delivery, they're still a little on the wild side and can have mixed results. But if you feel you have nothing to lose, go ahead and use some. You might be surprised at the results.


Do you like food?

Then we should go out to dinner because you can’t spell menu with me n u

I wanted to get something to eat

But it turns out there’s no menu without Me n u (I saw this on insta today as just “can’t spell menu without me n u so wussup” but i wanted to try put a lik twist on it,

This is a bad one, but, here goes

This is a bad one, but, here goes. You can't spell menu without u n' me.

You and I

You and I Should open up a Vietnamese restaurant. Let’s call it Pho King.

If you were an item at an Indian restaurant, you would have three chillies next to your name..

If you were an item at an Indian restaurant, you would have three chillies next to your name... Because you make me shit myself!

Cheesy one - Excuse me woman

I search Google for nearby restaurants and it pointed in your direction because you look a whole meal

What is a pick up line?

Pick up lines are ridiculous. And the more ridiculous the pick-up line, the more ridiculous and creative you have to be to keep her interested after you use one. Don’t be afraid to be a little out there and make up some nonsense. The more ridiculous you are, the more interested she’ll be in understanding how your brain works.

Do pick up lines make her cringe?

Not all pick-up lines have to make her cringe. These cute pick-up lines might actually make her say, “Awww that was sweet” and want to get to know you a little better.

Do pick up lines work?

Let’s face it: pick up lines are pretty silly. But that doesn’t mean they don’t work. You just need amazing pick up lines that communicate the kind of guy you are. So, if you’re a sweet guy, you need some sweet pick up lines that tell her you’re happy to be silly if it puts a smile on her face.

Is pick up line bad?

Some woman always think pick up lines are bad, but that doesn’t mean they won’t work on such women . You just have to steer directly into the cheesiness with purposefully bad pick up lines. These lines are so bad, they actually work really well.

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