User Interface Right-click anywhere in the left pane of MO2 and select Create Separator Name the separator HUD + UI Mod Configuration Menu
Full Answer
How do I use the MoD configuration menu?
The Mod Configuration Menu (MCM) is a resource for other mods to use which adds a "Mod Configuration" button to the Pause menu. When you click on it, a window appears with a list of all of the mods using MCM. Each of these listed mods are then configured from within the same menu.
How do I install mods on Mo2?
When the guide says to install a mod, it will be formatted as follows: Main File - Example Mod 1.5. This is referring to the mod's category on Nexus, the file name, and the file version. Unless instructed otherwise, simply download the listed file using the Mod Manager Download button and install it normally through MO2.
How do I create an instance of Mo2?
You will be prompted with a pop-up called Creating an instance, in which you should just select Next If you have MO2 installed on an SSD or a HDD with little space, you can check the Show advanced options box and change the Downloads file path to a different drive with more space.
How do I install Def_UI on Mo2?
Begin the installation of the Def_ui 1.5.1 file, and you will be prompted with a FOMOD Installer If you are using an aspect ratio other than 16:9, select it in the FOMOD instead of 16:9 After the installation is complete, double-click on the DEF_UI mod in the left pane of MO2 Optional File - 01. DEF_UI Compatibility Patch

Does MCM need to be a master?
MCM itself has no compatibility issues, although there is no guarantee that all mods using MCM will be compatible with each other. Mods using MCM do not need to make it a master to use the menu, although MCM does need to be present and activated. Support.
Do you need MCM to use a mod?
For modders wanting to use MCM menus for their mods, a detailed guide is given explaining how. Mods using MCM only require MCM to be installed and activated to use the menu; there is no master dependency to the system, so your mod will still work if the user doesn't have MCM installed. (Note: The Mod Configuration Menu is not to be redistributed ...
Creating Profiles
Mod Organizer 2's "Profiles" feature allows for easy switching between different mod configurations. In this step, we will setup a testing profile and a main profile. The default profile will stay completely untouched and act as a backup.
Mod Installation Advice
If you are completely unfamiliar with Mod Organizer 2, I recommended watching GamerPoet's video about mod installation in MO2. As it was made for Skyrim, it has some information that does not apply to New Vegas, such as the Steam Workshop part which you can just ignore.
blubberdiblub commented on Nov 12, 2017
Here is the usvfs.log from the first case. (I can also provide the log files from the other cases if needed.)
Silarn commented on Nov 17, 2017
Latest USVFS builds have addressed some of these issues. With the final changes for WryeBash, it's possible it works as expected now but it should with with just the config and settings directories created now.
Silarn commented on Nov 27, 2017
Until we can identify the 'nested directory' bug, you will have to create the basic directory structure for this (and possibly other) mods that search for files in nested directories.
Silarn commented on Dec 2, 2017
LePresidente's latest USVFS change should fix any subdirectory search patterns. Closing this.