our menu options have changed

by Vicky Greenholt Published 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago

please por favor
our nuestro
menu el menú
option la opción
have tener
Jun 1 2022

Full Answer

How to access the options menu?

Access Advanced Boot Options Windows 10 with Shift + Restart. Another easy way to access Advanced Options window is through Shift + Restart. You can click Start -> Power, press and hold Shift key on the keyboard and click Restart button. This will take you into the Advanced Startup Options menu in Windows 10. Way 3.

How to create an option menu?

Using a menu resource is a good practice for a few reasons:

  • It's easier to visualize the menu structure in XML.
  • It separates the content for the menu from your application's behavioral code.
  • It allows you to create alternative menu configurations for different platform versions, screen sizes, and other configurations by leveraging the app resources framework.

How to remove menu options?

Steps to Remove Share Option in Right-click Menu

  • Open Start by pressing the “Windows Key”.
  • Type “ Registry Editor ” and press “ Enter “.
  • Copy the below path by selecting and pressing Ctrl + C. ...
  • In the registry editor, paste the copied path in the address bar and press “ Enter “.
  • Right-click on the “ ModrenShare ” folder on the right panel.
  • Select the “ Delete ” option.

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How to use option menu?

Method 5: Use the Settings Menu

  1. Navigate to settings. You can get there by hitting the gear icon on the Start menu.
  2. Click Update & security.
  3. Select Recovery from the menu.
  4. Click Restart Now. The computer will boot to an options menu.
  5. Click Troubleshoot.
  6. Click Advanced Options


Samples Voice Prompt Scripts

Sample scripts for main menus, business greetings, auto-attendants and virtual receptionists.

Get professional voice recordings today

Need more script information? Try our free script guide for more ideas on how to create professional phone menu scripts. Or check out our store for an instant price quote on professionally recorded sound clips and audio prompts.

Get professional voice recordings today

Need more script information? Try our free script guide for more ideas on how to create professional phone menu scripts. Or check out our store for an instant price quote on professionally recorded sound clips and audio prompts.

Automated Attendant Best Practices and Things to Avoid

The first part of the script will be the greeting. It is your opportunity to present your company to your callers and verbally welcome them into your company. Here are some tips on how to record a welcoming greeting.

Automated Options Best Practices and Things to Avoid

The most important part of the automated attendant greeting is presenting the options that your callers have to select to get to the person that they need to speak with. There are two types of callers: people who are unfamiliar with your company and will need guidance, and callers who know exactly who they need to speak to and know their extension.

Sample Automated Attendant Scripts

Thank you for calling The Operations Tech Company, a place where technology and business come together. If you know your party's extension, you may dial it at any time. Otherwise, choose from one of the following options: For Customer Service, press '1'

After-hours and Weekend Greetings

If your business closes after a certain time or on the weekends, and there is nobody to answer or assist your callers, create an after-hours automated attendant greeting. Tell your callers up front that the business is closed, and ask them to call back at the end. Also, be sure to include your normal hours of operation.

Seasonal Automated Attendant Greetings

To promote your company's seasonal specials or just to extend a special seasonal greeting to all of your callers, you may want to preface your automated attendant greeting for a limited time. Use this sparingly and only if it reflects the spirit of your company.

Rehearsing and Testing Your Greeting

Before you record your automated attendant script, have the person you selected to read it rehearse it several times in front of you. Use this to fine-tune pronunciation and annunciation. After the new greeting is recorded, call your phone system immediately to check the recording for errors and make sure all options announced work as intended.

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