pregnancy diabetes diet menu

by Albin Lynch Published 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Meal ideas for gestational or type 1 or 2 diabetes in pregnancy

  • Breakfast. If you are looking for a cereal-type breakfast pick a low/no sugar option with high fibre, such as shredded wheat or porridge, and have it with nuts and seeds.
  • Lunch. Greek salad with plenty of olives and feta cheese, with seeded bread or 2 wholegrain crackers or oatcakes.
  • Evening meal. ...
  • Snacks

Full Answer

What to eat when on a gestational diabetes diet?

Recommended items on a gestational diabetes food list include:

  • Lean meats such as chicken breast and pregnancy-safe fish
  • Grass-fed beef
  • Eggs or egg whites
  • Low-glycemic fruits (raspberries, blueberries, strawberries)
  • Vegetables (kale, spinach, broccoli, cauliflower, zucchini)
  • Healthy fats (avocado, olive oil, nuts and seeds, coconut)

What is the best food for gestational diabetes?

Eating Plans

  • DASH Diet. The Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet has been shown to not only help improve blood pressure levels but other health conditions as well, including gestational diabetes.
  • Mediterranean Diet. ...
  • Diabetes Plate Method. ...

How many carbs should I eat with gestational diabetes?

There are 3 types of carbs:

  • Sugars, such as the natural sugar in fruit and milk or the added sugar in soda and many other packaged foods.
  • Starches, including wheat, oats, and other grains; starchy vegetables such as corn and potatoes; and dried beans, lentils, and peas.
  • Fiber, the part of plant foods that isn’t digested but helps you stay healthy.

How dangerous is diabetes in pregnancy?

Poor control of diabetes during pregnancy increases the chances for birth defects and other problems for the pregnancy. It can also cause serious complications for the woman. Proper health care before and during pregnancy can help prevent birth defects and other health problems.


What should a pregnant diabetic eat?

RecommendationsPlenty of whole fruits and vegetables.Moderate amounts of lean proteins and healthy fats.Moderate amounts of whole grains, such as bread, cereal, pasta, and rice, plus starchy vegetables, such as corn and peas.Fewer foods that have a lot of sugar, such as soft drinks, fruit juices, and pastries.

What should a pregnant woman with diabetes avoid?

What foods should you avoid?fast food.alcoholic beverages.baked goods, such as muffins, donuts, or cakes.fried food.sugary drinks, such as soda, juice, and sweetened beverages.candy.very starchy foods, such as white pasta and white rice.sweetened cereals, sugary granola bars, and sweetened oatmeals.

What can a pregnant diabetic eat for breakfast?

Breakfast tipsEat a small breakfast.Eat whole-grain bread products.Eat a food that has protein.Do not eat cereal or fruit.Do not drink fruit juice at breakfast or any other time of the day. Fruit juice raises your blood glucose very quickly.

What should I eat for dinner with gestational diabetes?

Sample full-day menuBreakfast1 cooked egg ½ to 1 cup cooked old-fashioned oatmealDinner3 oz baked salmon 1 small potato (tennis ball-size) ½ cup corn 1 cup plain soy milk ½ cup broccoli with garlicEvening Snack2 tablespoons natural peanut butter 1 slice whole-grain bread 1 cup nonfat milk3 more rows

Is milk at night good for diabetes?

It is not always recommended to have milk at bedtime for diabetics. The higher amounts of calories in milk at night can be dangerous to the body.

What fruits and vegetables should diabetics avoid?

Fruit is also an important source of vitamins, minerals, and fiber. However, fruit can also be high in sugar. People with diabetes must keep a watchful eye on their sugar intake to avoid blood sugar spikes....Fruits high in carbohydrates.FoodCarb content1 serving of dried fruit20 g4 more rows•Mar 29, 2021

How many eggs can a diabetic eat in a day?

1 eggIf you have high LDL cholesterol levels, overweight or obesity, a chronic disease like diabetes, or a family history of heart disease, it may be best to eat no more than 1 egg per day or 4–5 eggs per week.

What foods can diabetics eat freely?

Diabetic Free Foods List:Carbonated water.1 Tbsp. unsweetened cocoa powder.Coffee or tea.1 cup raw cabbage.Hard, sugar-free candy.1 cup raw cucumber.2 Tbsp. whipped topping.1 cup raw salad greens and lettuce.More items...•

What are good lunches for diabetics?

With portion size in mind, a person with diabetes can include:canned tuna, salmon or sardines.low-salt deli meats, such as turkey and chicken.hard-boiled eggs.salads with a side dressing.low-salt soups and chili.whole fruit, such as apples and berries.cottage cheese.plain, unsweetened Greek yogurt.More items...•

What is a good bedtime snack for gestational diabetes?

Baby carrots, cherry tomatoes, or cucumber slices Non-starchy vegetables are a great choice for a snack. They are very low in calories, fats, and carbohydrates, while offering plenty of vitamins and minerals. These vegetables also provide antioxidants and a good dose of fiber to boost heart and gut health.

Are eggs good for gestational diabetes?

Eggs (as long as you have no allergies) will become your best friend whilst having gestational diabetes! They have many vitamins, minerals and heart healthy fats. They are high in protein and therefore become a food that will be tolerable for your blood sugars and will actually help keep levels lowered and stabilised.

Are bananas good for gestational diabetes?

Bananas are a safe and nutritious fruit for people with diabetes to eat in moderation as part of a balanced, individualized diet plan. A person with diabetes should include fresh, plant food options in the diet, such as fruits and vegetables. Bananas provide plenty of nutrition without adding many calories.

Can diabetes during pregnancy affect the baby?

Diabetes that is not well controlled causes the baby's blood sugar to be high. The baby is “overfed” and grows extra large. Besides causing discomfort to the woman during the last few months of pregnancy, an extra large baby can lead to problems during delivery for both the mother and the baby.

How does diabetes affect a pregnant woman?

High blood glucose levels during pregnancy can also increase the chance that your baby will be born too early, weigh too much, or have breathing problems or low blood glucose right after birth. High blood glucose also can increase the chance that you will have a miscarriage link or a stillborn baby.

What happens if you are diabetic during pregnancy?

Gestational diabetes raises your risk of high blood pressure, as well as preeclampsia — a serious complication of pregnancy that causes high blood pressure and other symptoms that can threaten both your life and your baby's life. Having a surgical delivery (C-section).

Can a woman with diabetes have a healthy baby?

Women who have type 1 diabetes can have a safe pregnancy and a healthy baby, but it's important to monitor diabetes complications that could worsen throughout pregnancy, such as high blood pressure, vision loss, and kidney disease.

What are some good snacks for gestational diabetes?

Here are a few healthier choices for snacks and meals if you have gestational diabetes: Fresh or frozen vegetables. Veggies can be enjoyed raw, roasted, or steamed.

What to eat with a diabetic?

Don’t be afraid to eat the skin! Baked fish, especially fatty fish like salmon and trout. Sweet potato toast topped with mashed avocado and cherry tomatoes. Unsweetened Greek yogurt topped with sunflower seeds, cinnamon, and diced apple. Also, try these recipes for diabetes-friendly snacks and meals.

What is gestational diabetes?

Gestational diabetes is defined as high blood sugar that develops during or is first recognized during pregnancy. During pregnancy, the way that your body uses insulin changes. Insulin is a hormone that allows your cells to absorb and use glucose, or sugar, for energy.

What are some good snacks to eat with hummus?

For a satisfying snack, pair raw veggies with a protein source like hummus or cheese. Veggie omelets made with whole eggs or egg whites. Whole eggs are an excellent source of many nutrients while egg whites provide mostly protein. Steel-cut oatmeal topped with pumpkin seeds, unsweetened coconut, and berries.

How to stay healthy during pregnancy?

In addition to maintaining a well-balanced diet, there are other things you can do to have a healthy pregnancy: Exercise regularly. Aim for at least 30 minutes of exercise 5 days a week.

How to regulate blood sugar levels?

To regulate your blood sugar levels, aim to eat a healthy snack or meal every 3 hours or so. Eating nutrient-dense foods regularly can help keep you satiated and stabilize blood sugar levels. Take your prenatal vitamins, including any probiotics, if they’re recommended by your doctor.

What foods are considered starchy?

candy. very starchy foods, such as white pasta and white rice. sweetened cereals, sugary granola bars, and sweetened oatmeals. If you’re unsure, ask your healthcare provider about foods you typically eat.

Can gestational diabetes give you energy?

It may not be enough to just stick with a diet meal that can give you an energy boost for the rest of your day. A tip for maintaining your body in its healthy condition is to sleep well and rest as much as you can. However, women with gestational diabetes must have balanced sleep and active hours to have a health plan before giving birth.

Do you need insulin for diabetes?

People with diabetes may also require to have prescription drugs from their doctor, particularly insulin, to help manage their blood sugar levels. But, pregnant women with type 2 diabetes or gestational diabetes must ensure that their current medications don’t conflict with other illness drugs. Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) must have a diet meal plan that doesn’t have side – effects when taking anti-inflammatory (NSAIDs) medicine.

Can you eat white bread with gestational diabetes?

Gestational diabetes comes from sugar intake, so, temptations like desserts, white bread, or fatty foods aren’t allowed. Here are other foods you need to stop eating while you have gestational diabetes.

What is gestational diabetes?

Gestational diabetes refers to diabetes that is diagnosed during pregnancy. Gestational diabetes occurs in about 7 percent of all pregnancies. Learn more. Anemia and Pregnancy. During the last half of pregnancy, your body makes more red blood cells which can cause Anemia. Learn more about causes and prevention here.

How to get blood sugar levels up during pregnancy?

1. Eat 3 meals and 2–3 snacks per day. Eating too much at one time can cause your blood sugar to go too high. Eat smaller meals and have snacks. You have increased nutritional needs during your pregnancy, and your baby is counting on you to provide balanced nutrition. 2. Measure your servings of starchy foods.

Why is it so hard to control blood sugar during pregnancy?

6. Breakfast Matters. Blood sugar can be difficult to control in the morning because that is when pregnancy hormones are very strong.

Why is it important to control sugar during pregnancy?

Blood sugar control during pregnancy is important for your health and the health of your baby. The following tips will help you control your blood sugar levels during pregnancy. Carbohydrates in food turn into sugar (also called glucose) when digested. Glucose is important for you and your baby, but too much glucose in your blood can lead ...

How to lower blood sugar levels quickly?

Avoid fruit juice and sugary drinks. It takes several pieces of fruit to make a glass of juice. Juice is high in natural sugar. Because it is liquid, it raises blood sugar levels quickly. Avoid regular sodas and sugary soft drinks for the same reason. You may use diet drinks and Crystal Light.

Is it bad for a baby to have too much glucose?

Glucose is important for you and your baby, but too much glucose in your blood can lead to problems. It is important to eat the right amount of carbohydrate and to choose healthy foods. Carbohydrates are found in starches, fruits, vegetables, milk and yogurt so these food portions should be measured. Sweets and desserts should be avoided as they ...

What to know about gestational diabetes meal plan?

During pregnancy, you're already adjusting to multiple changes with your body , and a diagnosis of gestational diabetes can feel overwhelming . Take heart that not only will you be able to sustain a healthy pregnancy but you'll also be able ...

How to reduce risk of gestational diabetes?

If you are overweight or obese, you can lower your risk of gestational diabetes by making dietary changes that keep your blood sugar levels normal ...

What are the symptoms of gestational diabetes?

Some of the typical symptoms include increased thirst and urination, blurred vision, and fatigue (which can be masked by normal pregnancy fatigue).

Why does insulin stay high in the blood during pregnancy?

Insulin is then released from the pancreas to take glucose to your cells for energy. Hormonal shifts during pregnancy can cause insulin resistance, meaning glucose levels stay high in your blood instead of being taken to your cells for energy.

When does gestational diabetes occur?

Gestational diabetes occurs in pregnant women, even if they didn't have diabetes before pregnancy. It's routine for doctors to test for it between weeks 24 and 28 of pregnancy. Any woman can get gestational diabetes; however, you may be at increased risk if you are overweight, have had gestational diabetes before or have relatives with diabetes. ...

Can gestational diabetes be diagnosed after birth?

And, having gestational diabetes during pregnancy doesn't necessarily mean a diagnosis of diabetes after giving birth. Like other forms of diabetes, gestational diabetes impacts how your cells use glucose. Carbohydrates are broken down into glucose in your bloodstream. Insulin is then released from the pancreas to take glucose to your cells ...

Can gestational diabetes be a pregnancy?

During pregnancy, you're already adjusting to multiple changes with your body, and a diagnosis of gestational diabetes can feel overwhelming. Take heart that not only will you be able to sustain a healthy pregnancy but you'll also be able to do it without following a strict meal plan. Keep reading to learn what causes gestational diabetes, ...

How long to cook a 7 day diabetic meal?

Using the back of a large spoon, make 4 dips in the sauce, then crack an egg into each one. Put a lid on the pan, then cook over a low heat for 6-8 mins, until the eggs are done to your liking. Scatter with the coriander leaves and serve with bread. View 7 Day Diabetes Diet Meal Plan PDF.

Why is gestational diabetes so high?

Gestational diabetes causes either not enough insulin to be produced during pregnancy, or makes the body more resistant to insulin. Both of these issues mean that not enough sugar gets converted into energy, causing high blood sugar levels. This eventually causes gestational diabetes.

Why does gestational diabetes cause high blood pressure?

Gestational diabetes causes high blood pressure that can cause pregnancy complications. It occurs due to changes in the way your body uses insulin. Insulin helps absorb and convert glucose (sugar) into energy. Gestational diabetes causes either not enough insulin to be produced during pregnancy, or makes the body more resistant to insulin.

What foods can spike blood sugar?

Too many unhealthy carbohydrates can spike your blood sugar. Be sure to choose carbohydrates like fruit, vegetables, whole grains, legumes and low-fat dairy. Choose healthy fats – these include unsaturated fats found in foods like olive oil, avocadoes and nuts.

How to control blood sugar levels?

Canned fruit and vegetables can be higher in sugar. Choose fiber-rich foods – fiber helps you stay full and helps control blood sugar levels. Consume enough protein – protein is essential to build and repair tissue.

Does Mediterranean diet help with diabetes?

The Mediterranean diet has been clinically proven to help with diabetes ( 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 ). It contains the type of eating patterns recommended previously. One study found that there was an 83% lower risk of diabetes among those who closely adhered to a Mediterranean diet ( 26 ).

Do nuts help with diabetes?

Nuts and seeds contain lots of protein, fibre, vitamins and minerals. Various studies have found they can help you reduce your weight despite how calorie-dense they are ( 12 , 13 ). One study found women who ate peanut butter 5x per week or more lowered their risk of type 2 diabetes by 21% ( 14 ).

What foods can gestational diabetes patients eat?

Popcorn - sugar-free. Hummus and carrot sticks or other crudités. Full fat Greek, or soya yoghurt. Oatcakes with sugar-free peanut butter. Olives. Nuts and seeds . Cooked meats, Quorn, high meat content sausages. Cheese. Read more about your diet with gestational diabetes.

What to eat with low fat yoghurt?

If you are choosing low-fat yoghurt, check the sugar content. A cooked breakfast; bacon, high meat content sausages or Quorn sausages, mushrooms, eggs, black pudding, whole tomato and a slice of toast made with seeded bread. Fish - smoked mackerel, kippers or eggs or cream cheese and smoked salmon.

What can I eat with a baked potato?

Half a baked potato (try using a sweet potato) with tuna mayonnaise, cheese, coleslaw or salad. An open (one slice) sandwich using seeded bread. Meat, fish, egg, cheese and salad toppings are all good options.

What to serve with a roasted chicken thighs?

Add some lentils or beans. Check ready-made sauces for sugar content - some are very high. Beef stew with sweet potato, lentils or beans. Chicken thighs, wrapped in bacon and roasted, served with a couple of new potatoes and green beans. Grilled fish fillets with butter beans or other pulses.

When does gestational diabetes occur?

What is gestational diabetes? Gestational diabetes is a type of diabetes that occurs during pregnancy. It usually develops when you are 24 to 32 weeks pregnant and disappears after delivery. But it’s possible to develop gestational diabetes before or after this time frame.

How to monitor blood sugar levels?

Here’s how to do it: Monitor your sugar four times a day. After fasting (or when you wake up before breakfast) and one to two hours after each meal. Keep a written log of your blood sugar levels. Send it to your doctor every one to two weeks or as they recommend.

Is gestational diabetes a secret weapon?

Consider a gestational diabetes diet plan your secret weapon to help prevent pregnancy and delivery complications. Even if you need diabetes medication, Asterino-McGeean says it’s still vital to follow a gestational diabetes diet. “Help keep blood sugar levels in check with a well-balanced diet.

Can you have gestational diabetes while pregnant?

As if expectant parents don’t have enough to worry about, add a type of diabetes that seems to be tailor-made for pregnancy. But if you’ve been diagnosed with gestational diabetes, take heart. Diabetes during pregnancy is very manageable — often without medication. Advertising Policy.

Is it dangerous to have high blood sugar while pregnant?

“High blood sugar levels can be dangerous. There are possible risks and complications for you and your baby if sugar isn’t controlled.”.

Can a dietitian help gestational diabetes?

Bissell notes that working with a dietitian can take the guesswork out of eating with gestational diabetes. “Your dietitian can help you set up balanced meals with the right amount of carbs to keep your blood sugars within the range your doctor recommends.”.

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