What is a Rik’s Cafe?
Rik’s Cafe is a contemporary American restaurant. Our menu features classic sandwiches, hardy soups and crisp fun salads, as well as innovative small plates and entrees. We believe using locally sourced products when possible on an evolving, fresh, made to order menu.
What kind of food do they serve at Rik’s?
Rik’s Cafe is a contemporary American restaurant. Our menu features classic sandwiches, hardy soups and crisp fun salads, as well as innovative small plates and entrees.
Does Rick's café have a good interior design?
The fact is that Rick's Café has beautifully laid out interiors featuring a nice range of carefully chosen pieces of furniture and none of them is ... Read more... Read more...

Table 26
Sometime back in october 2012, the waiter attending table 26 up on the first floor brought the bill to the two couples that had a long slow lunch. They didn't seem in hurry to pay either and he was thinking to himself "what is taking them so long?". Later, as they were leaving, they thanked him for his patience as it was past normal closing hours.
Celia Cruz Special
For the Cuban music lovers, this is an opportunity to enjoy the most famous songs of Celia Cruz repertoire.
Corcovado May 19
Travel through the rich Brazilian repertoire of Bossa Nova performed by the renowned Souissi Brothers live.